I am an imortal, shape shiffting, spider hateing Sartian from who knows

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Don't ask me about the picture. I'm hungry.

The girls got to be really close friends, even though Aster had her suspicions about Katie at first. She decided that it was time to spill the real her.

"Hey Katie." Aster said as she sat next to her on the bus.

"Yeah Aster?"

"I have to tell you some really important to tell you. So... I am an immortal, shape shifting, spider hateing Spartian from who knows. Wow it feels so good the get that of my chest!

"Um... What?" Poor Katie sounded so confused

" I don't know where I'm from really. All I know is my clan are called the Spartians and they want to play the cliche villain and take over the world. So I'm like no way you doing that. All I remember is standing in front of a judge and getting exiled here. So now its my mission to save you. Some of us are rare and can shape shift. This is only a disguies. Oh and I'm immortal and so are all other Spartian. We only have one weakness. Spiders.

"Can I see your true form?"

"Yes! This stupid disguise is so uncomfortable!"

They got off the bus and walked to Aster's house.

"I feel much more comfortable shape shifting in a place where everybody knows me. You ready?"

"Yep. I'm ready." Katie didn't sound so ready though. With that, Aster morphed. Her hair that used to be a light brown and straight, changed jet black, with a slight curl, but it stayed the same length, long. Her eyes changed from a misty blue to a strange orange. Her completion morphed from pretty much normal, to tan, like she had been laying in the sun with SPF 10 sunscreen on. Her clothes stayed the same.

"Wow!" Katie whispered. "You're beautiful!"

"Thank you!" Even Aster's voice changed a little, more smooth and sure of herself. "You have no idea how good this feels. I haven't morphed in ages!"

"Do you have any special powers or something?"

"Well besides the fact that I'm immortal and can shape shift, yes. Well its more of a skill, but I'm a ninja!"

"You're, a ninja." Katie said, not believing that she is a ninja."

"Yas! Im a ninja! Close you're eyes and say if you hear of feel me!"

"Whatever." Katie closed her eyes and Aster creeped up to her silently. She grabbed Katie's head band, and quickly yanked in out of her hair (or hare! get it jaguar?) Katie didn't feel a thing! Then Aster bent down and tied her shoelaces together with the head band, so when she walked, she would fall! Of course, Aster would shove a cushion under her.

"Okay now walk." Katie took a step forward, found that she couldn't really, and fell. Aster kicked the cushion underneath her and she landed on the soft pillow.

"You tied my shoelaces! Ooooooo! So ninja like!" There was so much sarcasm in Katie's voice, it hurt.

"Did you see what is tying them together?" Aster questioned. Katie looked down to see her head band.

"But I was wearing it!" Wow! You are officially a ninja!"

Wow that was so cool. I love pizza! Sorry I've been slacking on getting this done. I'm just too cool! I should be able to get a lot done over the summer and this week with my vacation. I'm in the car like for 3 hours a day.

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