Full Moon :(

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sorry! ^-^

Tonight is a full moon. Yay." Aster said in a sarcastic tone.

"I love Ma- I mean full moons." Said Katie, in a kind of dreamy voice.

"Pfff, that's your opinion." Aster said, oblivious to her slip up. "I think they suck. I get the prophecy stuff, and, Katie? Hello?"

"Wha-wha? Did I miss something? Yeah the pizza was great."

"Katie, who is it?"

"Who is who? Katie has know idea what you could be talking about. Katie can assure you. Katie would never tell you anyway."

"Katie, I'm worried about you. I know you. Its a boy. You're talking in third person. You never talk in third person."

"He is really cute."

"Who is so cute!!!"

"Oh. I said that out loud."

"Yes! Yes, you did smart one."

"Ok. Yesterdaymattewadamsaskedmeoutandofcourseisaidyesbuthessocuteicantstopthinkingabouthim." Katie said breathing heavy after saying that in one breathe.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down!"

"Yesterday Mattew Adams asked me out and of course I said yes but he's so cute I cant stop thinking about him. Happy now Aster?"

"Yes very. Sooo you want me to help you with your boy problems?"

"How can you help me." Katie sneered

"Watch this." And boom. Katie clone. Right here. Oh yeah.

"Oh I see how this is gonna go!" The real Katie said excitedly. "But do you know about boys?"

"Pfff. Girl you have no idea."

Well lets leave them be and see what the Spartians are up too

"Did you hear someone speaking?" Aster said.

"Nope! Must be your imagination!"

Oh no! I've been discovered! Got to go! Talk to ya later!

"That little traitor!!! Who wipped her memory? Send them in!!!" The leader of the Spartians, hollered at the top of his lungs.

"Ok boss, but you don't have to scream."

"Yes I do!!! That girl betrayed us!!!"

"Alright, alright! I'm going!"

"Good. Be sure to bring back the right person."

Not really sure I want to be here either. Welp, lets go check on the girls.

"Now do Terry Crews, the guy from those Old Spice commercials!" Katie giggled as Aster changed into a extremely buff black guy. (That wasn't  racist...)

"Ok ok. That much shape shifting is just exhausting. I mean, really." Aster said, as she fell to the ground.

"Maybe I shouldn't have pushed her that far..." Katie said, kneeling over her friend. All of the sudden, Asters eyes snapped open, but instead of her normal eye color, her whole eye glowed blue. She sat up, leaning up against Katie's bed.

"Any plan you feel to make,
Shall not be at all half baked.
But if you truly want to succeed,
Only try once, is that agreed?"

Aster shuddered, and collapsed, twitching on the ground. Then she was still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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