Chapter 7_ I Am Sorry

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Author pov.

* ring ringhh*

"ho oh... Not again..." whines the boy...

Suddenly the boy's eyes widen as a big smile is placed on his face...

"Wangji! " he exclaimed & giggle like a child...

"wangji... Wangji... Wangji... What did you do with me? Is this love at first sight..."

"HEESEUNG, YOU BRAT... WAKE UP... IT'S TIME FOR YOUR SCHOOL..." yelled his mother...

"Aiyaa... Mom, I  am already awake..." Heeseung replies to her... He does his morning routine and then gets ready for his school...


"Wangji ge... We need to talk."
Wuxian uttered firmly... Even though he is scared what if wangji doesn't want to talk with me... Or even see his face???

Wangji look at Jungkook who nodded his head and tell him through his eyes, to talk with Wuxian...

They need time for themselves... Wangji gulped and agreed with Wuxian...

Taekook couple go outside the house as they felt that couple should need more personal space...

Now Wuxian & wangji are alone in the house... No one speaks any words... Wangji looks down, he still remembers what Wuxian said to him... It's hurt his pride and how can his Wuxian think like this? He is not cheap...

Wuxian tries his best to say anything but it seems like his mouth is sealed by some kind of magic...

He wants to speak but doesn't have any idea what to speak.
Gosh... Why is he in this situation? But he knows that he is the reason why he is standing here.

Seeing Wuxian has no intention to utter anything, Wangji spoke...

"Wuxian, if you have nothing to say... Please leave... I will not come back home today too..."

Wangji turns to leave, but Wuxian grabs his hand and pulls wangji toward himself...

Due to unexpected acts, wangji head collapsed with Wuxian chest... Both stiff in their place, they are stunned to utter any words...

Wuxian feels so right, having wangji in his arm... He wraps his arms around wangji waist as he wants this person, close to his heart...

But why he felt that?.. Doesn't he hate wangji? Doesn't he like yeji?

If he likes yeji, then why he is here... Wangji leave him already na... He could go to her... But no, he comes here for wangji...

Just why?????

Ignoring the voice who asking these questions... Wuxian tightens his grip... Wangji tries to push him but doesn't able to do...

Wuxian is stronger than him... How can this teenager is stronger than an adult like him??? What does his bunny husband eat? Hmph

"Wuxian, what are you doing? Leave me... Let me go." wangji hit his chest with his little hand like a kitten...

But the next moment he finds himself pin up on the wall... His eyes widen and gasped...

"W-wuxian, w-what a-are y-you do-doing?" wangji shutters... He is feeling shy to look at Wuxian's beautiful eyes...

"Wangji ge..." Wuxian inhales Wangji's sweet fragrance... His voice is Husky, and his black eyes stare at wangji brown eyes... 

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