Chapter 1

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It was quiet. The wind was howling in the night and not even the insects would make a sound. There wasn't even a sign of life on the beach. All you could hear was the waves crashing down on the shore and its dark blue essence. Then there was a shout and then marching. Thump, thump, thump on the hills. Clack, Clack, Clack, the horses' hooves gallop on the stone road. Then there was silence. "Open the gate you cowards." said Khan, the leader of the Mongols'. "Show me your best warrior." We let Hajbar, the strongest and the best warrior we have. If he won the Mongols' would leave but if they won there would be blood. But the Mongols' were mischievous people. They threw flammable liquid and threw a torch at him. In a blink of an eye, he fell burning to death. Then we went to the opposite sides of the field and then got ready. Once everyone got ready both us and the Mongols' blew our horns and charged. "Jin, stay back and get your horse ready." Uncle Shimura shouted with haste. "Yes, uncle" Once everyone was out of the fort we charged. We went as fast as we could. Once the horses stepped foot on the battlefield we jumped off and made our way through. The Mongols' put up a fight against our troops but we were persistent. Then it was quiet, too quiet. There was a whistle, one that couldn't come from a person. "We are taking fire. Mongols' have the Hwacha." The Hwacha was the worst weapon against a samurai. But we were moved forward until Uncle Shimura's horse got hit by one of the arrows, then mine. The horses collapsed on us. We got up and then there was the Khan. One of his royal guards stabbed me in the back with my katana, the one my father used. The last thing I saw was the Khan tying up my uncle and throwing him in a horse carriage. Then everything went black.

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