Chapter 2

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I woke up, wincing in pain. I saw a bucket of blood and rags. When I sat up I saw that my body was bandaged up. "Whoever did this wanted me alive," I whispered to myself. There was a crack in a stone. Easy enough to slip through. Then I saw the village in chaos. There was fire everywhere and Mongols killing people. But then I heard some movement in a house I was near. I walked in hoping I could find my Katana. But then there was a scream. A woman jumped up and tried to stab me in the back. My reflexes kicked in and stopped her. She stopped and pushed back. "Your sword is in the chest." The mysterious woman whispered," You're welcome. You were bleeding heavily. You are lucky I found you in time." "Open up. We know you're in there." One of the Mongols' shouted. "You need to hide now!" She said, I hid in the closet nearby, and cracked it so I could see. The Mongol charged in and grabbed her. The woman was crying, but when the Mongol dragged her outside she stabbed him in the neck multiple times. Blood was common now the Mongols' are here. "Follow me and stay low." I did exactly that. I followed as she took out multiple of them. Then we stumbled upon a stable with horses."Those are Samurai horses. When you call them they will always follow." I saw a black horse and it reminded me of the word "Kage" which means shadow. We saddled up our horses and left. Once we were out I told her, "We need to get to the fort. I'm not leaving without my uncle." "Ok, I'll lead the way." Once we got there she handed me a knife. "If you charge recklessly your uncle will be killed." , "But if I betray my code, I'll get executed.", "Do it for you uncle, there's a Mongol, take him out." I did exactly that. I stabbed him in the neck multiple times. But then I remember a flashback.

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