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Start recording?




I don't even know why I'm recording this, but I believe this will mean something in the future...

I'm not sure I can trust whoever's listening so I won't say my name. Just call me... Kid. Yeah Kid is a good name.

Let me tell you about this city I live in.

Paradise city is a nice little place where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, and all we see beyond the city is nothing with figures in it. Normal am I right?

At night, the figures all go to our city and we all hide in our beds and pretend to be asleep so they won't hurt us.

The last one who saw them at night... they never came back.

Sometimes I wanna go out there at night to see them but it's too dangerous.

I don't really know what I'm supposed to do now ummm I guess I'll tell whoever listens to it- If anybody does- if something important happens

It might now happen though.

everything's normal here!

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