The shadow

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There once was a shadow.

Not anybody's shadow, just a bodiless shadow.

A shadow that moves around from place to place.

Some people notice it, but it's not sure why.

Some people notice to much, and there are people who it'd like to notice it more.

These people make it think the if it didn't speak to them, no one would speak to it.

Sometimes it's ok with it, but sometimes it isn't.

It feels selfish, right? There are people in worse states! But the shadow still cries when it thinks it's interrupting.

But still, in the shadow's heart, it wished someday, someone will come and make the shadow finally know that it's not interrupting, that it's loved, because the shadow has never felt truly loved.

There once was a shadow.

Sometimes the shadow feels like it's fading away and that one day, nothing's gonna be left. 

It wonders, did it leave a mark on this planet? Will anyone remember the shadow?

It feels selfish, right? But sometimes, the heart takes over, and the shadow is almost sure no one will miss it.

There once was a shadow.

Not anyone's shadow, just a shadow.

It moves from place to place.

Some people notice,

Some people don't.

My best friend, lets call him max, came over today.

We did nothing, like every other day.

Max told me about his plans to come out at night, and I warned him not to - the usual.

Still nothing happening here in this good ol' town.

The shadows are getting closed and closer, my friends.

If you notice anything, don't tell me please, I already have enough on my plate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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