The Realization

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The Chosen One sprinted across the grass, trying his best not to stumble on any rocks scattered about.  Several projectiles flew through the air, whether it being arrows or bullets, narrowly missing Chosen. The mercenaries weren't far behind him. It didn't take him long to realize his accomplice, The Second Coming, was missing. He urgently looked to both his sides. To his right was only the same empty expanse of trees for miles but he spotted a familar orange hidden in the bushes to his left.

He took a sharp turn, and sure enough, there lay the body of his dear friend Second. His sprint slowed to a stagger as he approached the motionless body which was covered in cut and bruises. DId he get hit?

"Second." Chosen chokes out, not receiving a response. He kneeled down next to him- things weren't looking good- it didn't look like he was breathing. Chosen felt for a pulse... and felt nothing. "No. Nononono." He shook him, as if that would wake Second up. Of course, nothing would revive him now. "No, please." Chosen bit his lip as he fought back his mournful tears. The mercenaries seemed to have come to a halt. They never intended to harm such an innocent and young teen.

"I never should've brought you along with me. I'm sorry." He whispered under his breath.

"Chosen!" A voice screamed out. It was one of the few kids in Second's friend group. Upon looking up, Chosen discovered Blue being the one who yelled. "Cho..sen!" He called out again, trying to catch his breath. The others rushed in not long after. Blue opened his mouth to speak but paused when he realized another person was there. The exact person they had been searching for.
"I'm so glad we found you. Where's-..Second?" Red questioned, unaware that his friend had already passed. Chosen only stayed silent. Yellow, out of curiosity, decided to approach him. He let out a gasp. They all rushed over to their deceased friend's side.

"I'm sorry." Chosen apologized, barely muttering it. The guilt weighed down on him heavily.


Green's worried expression slowly faded into a look of horror and devastation. He hesitated to approach The Chosen One, denying that his dear friend was gone. Still, he advanced and kneeled next to Second.

"He's not gone, he's not..." Green sniffled, knowing it was far too late. He burst into tears, and the others hurried over to comfort him. "No, he's not gone!" Green told himself, slamming his fist on the ground as if that would wake his friend up.

Green gasped for air between sobs, and the situation had hardly even soaked in yet. He didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. Red pat Green's shoulder as the gang mourned the loss of their friend Second.

Chosen only mourned in silence. What had he done? If only he wasn't so selfish and brought Second along, then none of this would have happened. He was so pathetic. A million thoughts of regret and remorse raced through his head. Now wasn't the time to cry.. he couldn't. Keep it together, Chosen.

Green continued to cry, but he quieted down. He was barely accepting this horrible reality. He wished he could come back for only a few more moments for a proper goodbye, but he's dead. Why did this have to happen?

"Was it worth it, Chosen?" Green asked as he stared at the ground with clenched fists. He was so overwhelmed with emotions and didn't know what to feel. He had just lost his closest friend- they were practically brothers.

"What?" Chosen stared at Green, hiding the fact that he was on the brink of tears.

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