The Threat

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The silence was almost eerie, and strange for Chosen. Blue couldn't help but glance over his shoulder, where he discovered Chosen being threatened with the barrel of a gun to his head.

Blue swiftly turned around, and the others did too, realizing the mistake they'd made. Chosen slowly raised his hands, seemingly surrendering to this person.

"Chosen, no-" Blue spoke, but was interrupted. The person holding the gun looked at him menacingly, though they were truthfully hiding their nervousness. This was the fabled Chosen One, after all.

"Don't move." The mercenary warned, obviously not afraid to hurt them either.

"It's okay," Chosen reassured, with tired, defeated eyes. Somehow, he had a weak smile. "I deserve this." Was he seriously accepting this pathetic fate?

They stood in silence for a moment, then Green decided to take action. He lunged forward, pushing Chosen out of the way and grabbing the barrel of the gun.

Unfortunately, this figure was no newbie. He pulled the trigger, successfully hitting Green in his forearm. He winced as blood started to drop onto the ground, but still fought against this person, pointing the gun towards the sky.

Chosen seems to lack the motivation to fight back. He looks disappointed as the others jump in to fight against this person but he begins to recover from the fall nonetheless. The bounty hunter is remarkably strong. Blue, Green, Red and Yellow are struggling a bit, especially with shots being fired.

Despite wanting to give up because he is so mentally exhausted, Chosen stands up but is taken by surprise when he feels a hand over his mouth.

"Mmph!" He tries to yell, but the others are busy thinking that they are defending him. In the distance, Yellow is shot in the shoulder. He becomes more desperate as hes deprived from oxygen, but to no avail. Trying to escape, He ignites the flames on his hands, but it strangely doesn't seem to work.  Skimpy sparks come out of Chosen's hands, as he slowly falls into unconsciousness.


Finally, the stranger is overpowered, and Blue manages to snatch the gun away. Red knocks him to the ground, and makes sure he stays down.

Blue shakily holds the gun pointed at the figure, and he doesn't move but still maintains a serious expression. He doesn't want to kill anyone, even if they took his friend's life.

When they see the chance, the mercenary knocks away Red, sweeping his leg and standing back up. They make an attempt to take back his gun but is greeted with a punch to the head. The mercenary fails to dodge it and falls unconcious.

Once the threat is gone, Blue reveals the bandages he had luckly brought along and he tosses some to each of the injured, helping them cover their wounds. After a few seconds they realize something is wrong.

"W-wait. Where's Chosen!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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