Chapter 2

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In the beginning we though we could save the world. We couldn't. Perhaps that's why they call it the beginning.

"Mason, I doubt that he would be hiding in a collage town." Six complains, as she moves her hair behind her head again.

"It is where the trail lead. Besides what makes you think it is a he it could be a she." I mention as we walk down the side walk in Athens Ohio. It's the type of the town that's in the middle of nowhere but in the middle of society at the same time.

"It better be a she. I don't think I could put up with another boy." She mutters as she takes a sip of her coffee. Her black hair falls in her face and she angrily pushes it behind her head once again.

"I heard that." I say, earning an eye roll from her.

"I know." She responds, glaring at me. See this is what I've had to deal with for the last two years. I hope four is a boy because I don't think I can put up with her any longer.

We walk into an internet cafa and sit down at a empty table with a computer free to use. I start pulling up articles. I stop when I see a head line that reads: "a boy saves a girls and two dogs at a house fire in paradise last night.."

"Uh, we have a small problem." I tell her spinning the computer around. She skims over it then jumps up leaving her coffee on the table. I close the computer and get out of my chair. I follow behind her as we exit the cafa and make it to the car that she stole earlier. She gets in the passenger seat and I get in the drivers. She drove here so it's only fair that we switch out. She pulls out the paper map. Since the mogs can track GPS. Which is super inconvenient. Then again when has my species ever let things be easy?

"Make a left tot he highway." She says, in an automated voice. One that you can only adapt after saying something so many times. I make a left onto the highway. It's like that for a while until we reach the school. The school is marked with blaster burns and in some parts it's begun to crumple. I could only imagine what it looks like inside. Though I doubt it looks much better. We climb out of the car.

She makes eye contact with me. "No offense six, but I don't swing that way." I comment, she rolls her eyes.

"Like I'd date a mog anyway." She says,

"But you're best friends with ones." I say, confused. She walks over to me and takes my hand in hers. It cold and rough from all the training that we both participate in. "What's the plan?" I ask, hoping to god she has one, because I sure as hell don't.

"We stay hidden as long as we can. Then we fight."

"Why can't we fight anyway?"

"You think like a mog."

"In case you've forgotten I am one." 

With that I look down to see that we're invisible. We make our way inside and pretty soon I have to let go of her hand. The second I do blaster fired comes raining towards me. I dodge it. Then take my foot and kick it in the stomach. I walk over to the downed mog and take the blaster from it. Then I shoot turing it to ash.

We mange to fight through the mogs to a door that's surrounded by them. Six goes visible makeing the mogs pay more attention to her then to me. I help her when I can though it's hard when you're struggling as well. We finally make a big enough dent we run she opens the door and runs in fist. Then me with blaster fire close behind.

I press my back against the door in an attempt to barricade it.

Then I look around at the people in the room. "Which one of you is the idiot who jumped out of a burning house?" I ask, six glares at me again. Boy how I love disappointing her.

A boy with piercing blue eyes and blond hair raises his hand. Then they enter the room. Causing me to fall flat on my face. I roll back on my back pointing my blaster up at the mog that's getting ready to stab a knife through my chest. He lets out a cold laugh. "The traitor. You'll be a good prize." He says, showing his wicked teeth.

"Have fun taking me alive." I say, as I pull the trigger right at his ugly head. I hate the vat born. They have no sense of anything.

"Mason, you good?" Six asks, as she gathers everyone together. Most likely to turn them invisible.

"I'll live." I say, as I climb to my feet. Blaster fire flies over my head. I look over to where they once were to see that they're gone. Then I run. I just hope they're behind me. I'm followed closed behind by mogs. I run into a room with an older man with greying hair and a boy with black hair. The man points his rifle at me. I put my hands up. This has not been my day.

"He's with me." Six says somehow camly.

"He's mogadorien." The man says,

"You know if I wanted to betray you I would have just killed your kid here and then six because the charm is now broken. Now if you want to get out of here alive I suggest you lower the gun and we figure something out." I say to all of them. He slowly lowers the gun.

"Is that a threat?" The boy with black hair asks,

"No, it's the truth." I respond,

"What do you guys have on you that can be used as a weapon?" The man then asks,

"A blaster and a lighter." I respond, six gives me a look. "What? I can light their pants on fire and then they can run around catching others on fire as they slowly desinagrate." I explain.

"Are you ok? Mentally I mean." Four asks,

"I mean saying I shot my brother once you should know the answer to that." I say,

"You shot Adam?" Six asks,

"No, the other one." I respond,

"Sorry to interrupt the argument here, but how are we going to get out of here?" The man asks,

"I say we get the humans out and fight." I tell the group. Four nods.

"What about my dad?" The boy with sandy blond hair asks, I look over at six for help.

"The more the merrier." She responds, I glare at her. Then they start breaking down the door.

"Six, you need to get them out of here. I'll hold them off for as long as I can." I yell,

"Mason, are you sure?" She asks,

"No, but you need to get him out of here and I doubt they'll stay with me so go." And for once she listens to me. She gets them and they run out the door. I step out behind them and all the mogs begin to fire at me. I duck and grab one of them as a sheild. It quickly desengrates. I grab it's blaster and begin to fire. With in minutes the hall is clear. Or at least that's what I thought. A moment later something hits me in the head and the world fades to black.

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