Chapter 3

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I wake up to being thrown into a cell. My back slams against the floor. "Fucking West Virginia." I mutter, knowing that's where they put me. I then feel pressure on my chest. I look up to see a boy with shaggy black hair that falls to his shoulder, his dark brown eyes studying me. He's also shirtless. I hate my life.

"You're one of them." He growls, great. Just what I needed.

"So what?" He puts more pressure on my chest making it even harder for me to breathe. I place my hands on his leg and twist it causing him to stumble off of me. I jump to my feet. He draws his fist back to hit me. I catch it. He knees me in my crotch causing me to double over. He hits me in the side of my face knocking me over.

He goes to kick me. I kick him in the knee instead causing him to fall to his knees. I get up and walk over to him. Then I knock him down and place him into a chokehold something Ivan would do to me. "I'm not the enemy." I growl. He flips me over and gives me a cocky grin as he pins me against the floor. I hate him.

"You're one of them." He says in a warning voice. As if I don't already know that.

"Thanks captain obvious." He raises his fist and hits me so hard that I think he broke my jaw. He then gets off of me.

"I'm not telling you a damn thing."

"Goddamnit I am not a fucking spy!" I scream at him,

"You're one of them. Of course you are!" He yells back,

I spin around and turn to bars. "I'm not." I scream back at him, he jumps on my back in an effort to bring me to the ground. I elbow him in the stomach. It doesn't do anything. So I turn around and ram him into the shield. Causing him to fall off of me and crumple to the ground.

"Ow." He mutters, at this point I don't care. I've lost control before. I've lost control so many times, but I've always had Adam or six to stop me. Now there's no one. I turn to him and pick him up then I slam his head into the shield again and again. Not caring if I kill him or not. My primal instincts taking over.

I finally stop and let him fall to the ground. He wipes the blood off his face. Then I slam his head down into the floor. Breaking his nose. I keep doing that over and over. Not caring how much I mess up his pretty face.

I'm pissed and no one here to stop me. I let him up. He crawls to his feet. And looks at me. He takes a few wobbly steps towards me and hits me as hard as he can. I let him.

I'm a monster. After what I just did to him I deserve for him to kill me. He stops when he sees I'm not fighting. "You're one of them so fight back."

"Just kill me!" I yell, he glares at me.

"I'm not going to fight someone who won't fight back!"

"Well maybe you should."

"Fine." He charges and hits me again. He hits me so hard that it knocks me on my back. He hits me over and over again. Until I'm on the edge of blacking out then he stops. "I'm not letting you die. I'm going to make you suffer for everything your people did to mine." He warns, as he holds me up by my shirt.

He then drops me down on the floor. Letting the blood run out of the corner of my mouth. I decide not to move. It's better this way. I hear a thud. I sit up slightly to see what made that noise. Just to see that he's collapsed on the other side of the cell.

My vision becomes blurry and my head bangs against the ground. Everything starts spinning. I roll onto my side and close my eyes as I try to stop the spinning it doesn't work. I just start dry heaving. "Stop." I hear nine groan. I give him the middle finger. Then something hits me in the side causing me to heave even more.

Then I remember Adam and start crying. Crying and heaving at the same time is even worse then what you would think.

We all know that Adam is laying dead in some ditch somewhere and even if he wasn't he'd be disappointed in me. He would hate me for what I've become.

I know I'm sobbing louder then I should. I'm a true born male mog. I should not be laying here in the floor crying yet here I am. My god. I'm such a disaster.

The mogs come in and drag me out of the cell. They close the door or the guy who's laying beaten and panting on the floor.

They take me to a room and beat me. Again and again. Then they throw me back in the cell were me and the guy fight. I've learned his name is nine.

If we ever get out of here I'm not going to make it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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