chapter 6

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I'm back !! Sorry slow updating cuz i started feeling off 😞💔. But I'm not giving up now🔥. Please don't forget to vote if you like the chapter 🌟😖🙏. I really appreciate it . That's enough.
let's start 💫:

_____________<TIME SKIP>_____________


Wellll after the school finished at 3 o'clock , i got a call from hakuji saying that he wants me to have dinner with them and what do you think i said?

Anyway it was still early for them the dinner time soo as it was planned. Me ,sheza , genya, tokito's and the kompatchiro squad went to the arcade. It was really Enjoyable to go there in a group. Mui and tanjiro got along easily . They were acting like they know each others for years and that's wired '-' . Me and nezoku were talking about infinite stuffs and cheering for the boys in there games and when sheza discovered that we only cheer for boys and we were also cheering for her , she got the wrong idea , then she immediately stopped playing and went to sit at the corner ^▪^.

Genya was laughing the whole time at sheza saying  to her that  even me and nezoku confessed that she classified from boys section  :) . Yuichiro chasing inosuke around the arcade cuz he slapped  yuichiro head then run away. They stopped fooling around when they felt tired from running but the porpoise of this chasing was Achieved which is yuichiro slap inosuke's head in return . Zenitsu was acting cool around so he could get nezoku's attention. He even won a pink teddy bear and it was a fluffy one !

When ever muichiro talk to me there i felt realllllly awkward for no reason.  Since our talk at roof i became really shy around him . Not only because of that moment !! Also when he helped me in the morning at the store  ('•_•), he was sooo gentle and polite ....i know my self very well and I'm sure it's because i have developed a crush for him .

Sheza told me everything that had happened to her today it was like a summary for her day so at 6 o'clock sheza left the arcade. She said her farewells to everyone and before she start going , she pleased me to go to her apartment to give to her a change of clothes. Did i mentioned that we were still wearing school cloths ? . I reached to her apartment at 4:15 .i opened the door to see Ekozy san and shin <sheza younger brother> having a hard time to fill the documents of the car . Don't ask me how? But shin is smarter than you think . He isn't like his sister in the Astuteness cuz he is much better than her 😙🎶 . Anyway !
I entered and immediately went to Ekozy san to apologize to him and tell him that it was my fault not sheza . He only smiled to me and said

"It's okay !! .if this didn't happen today , i would went to jail for not finishing an important document soooo thanks . You have saved me ♡"

I was in the average of crying from his kindness but of course i won't do it. I went to sheza room . Open her closet.  Choose for her some clothes. Then went to the to the boys to say my farewells. I was above to went outside the apartment when i heard shin's SCREAMING


I only laughed quietly and start walking to my apartment to get ready for the dinner.


I opened the phone to see

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☆•°Besides each other °•☆ (Yui/mui) tokito × (sheza/kera)2ocWhere stories live. Discover now