God or devil

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Seeing Emma's destroyed expression made him understand how much he hated to see her like that.
He swore, even if he's not there with them, to make sure they are all safe. He swore to make a world that is safe for every human.
Even if he can't be there anymore to enjoy it.
Note: Between the three chapters of this book, I think this one is my second favorite one, after the Emma one

Note (from ao3): And here is the last part of this series!

Happy birthday Norman!

This one is longer than Ray's one and maybe longer than Emma's too
Some part of the story might be similar than ray and Emma's, they're just from Norman's POV


Emma was crying.

And it was because of him.

How pathetic of him.

He had always hated to see her cry.

Especially because of him.

Norman felt pathetic right now.

He had never felt this pathetic before.

As they both were on the ground after Emma tackled him in a hug and almost hurt her leg even more, he couldn't help but to soften. He knew what he was doing was selfish and that he might've been able to leave instead of being shipped out, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't want to risk it. He didn't want their escape plan to fail.

Norman extended his hand to cup Emma's face. Her eyes were wide open, still full of tears. He would allow himself to be selfish. For one last time.

« Emma... I- »

« It's time, Norman. »

Mama put back his hat on top of his head, interrupting him. He wanted to scream so bad right now. He internally let out a grunt of annoyance as he turned his head to look at the woman, his smile stuck on his face.

He promised her that the escape would be a success, no matter what. He made her promise to not give up and to take care of their family for him.

After one last hug with Emma, Norman saw Ray a little further, in the stairs. He seemed mad. Really mad. Norman couldn't blame him. He, too, would be mad if he was in Ray's place. Norman only smiled.

« Goodbye, Ray. Take care of yourself and our family for me! »

Mama closed the door.

Through the door, Norman could hear the faint sobbing of Emma.

He felt bad.

He felt so bad.

He felt so bad to let her all of that to take care of for him.

But he couldn't do anything anymore about it.

He could only hope everything would go well.


Every morning Norman would ask himself the same question.

Why didn't he die that day?

It would've made things way more easier.

But no.

He had to be transfer to an other farm instead. Lambda was like hell. Every day and every night we're the same. Over and over. His days were the same.

What if the plan hadn't went as it should?Where stories live. Discover now