Part 7: New Frnd Nia..❤️

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You saw them and sighed...

In mind:-

I think in my college life also no one is going to be my friend.....huh?

Out of mind:-

---- Hello....!!

{ A girl was calling you you looked back.... }

---- Are you alright now..??

Y/N - huh?

---- I saw you falling last period....... And I was really worried about you......... How is your leg now...????

Y/N - Oh..? I'm alright thanks for your concern...!!

---- Your name???

Y/N - Kim Y/N

---- Oh..! by the way I am Nia......Jung Nia nice to meet you.....

Nia - so now we will be friends....yup....

*You nodded*

Nia - so first of all there are some rules and my Frndship.......

Y/N - huh???

Nia - first and the last one....... There will be no thanks and no sorry in our friendship...!

Y/N - Okay......!

{ You shouted up as you were also smiling for her weird rule and Jimin look that you }

Jimin - did she even speak????

Jk - what are you thinking about Jiminaah.....

{ Jimin in French and saw JK and tae in front of him with folder arms }

Jimin - Yahh.....! You both scary cats.....??!!

Tae - we are not cats Jiminaah... Did you forget..?? It's your enemy's name..!

Jk - yah...Suga's pet name is cat and kitty.....🐈

Jimin - why both of you are talking about him..??

{When you heard suga's name you look that them...and asked Nia...}

Y/N - Nia...

Nia - Yes....

Y/N - Do you know who are they..........

Nia - oh...yeah.. they are the seniors of this department..... but why are you asking me...??

{ You told her what happened before....😞}

Y/N - I get very scared when I see in his eyes.....

Nia - Oh....yah.. I heard about them they are not interested in girls only their friends talk with the girls.......and you know Jimin and suga are the famous in this university....

*You blinked your eyes and winded it as she mention sugar as the popular boy*

Y/N - Wh....What...

Nia - Yeah..! Most of the rich girl join this university only for them.....

Y/N - Stop...Stop....My head is spinning..... 'round

{ Then the professor came inside you all bowed him....and your whole day went normal....}

At evening while returning home:-

Y/N -  Ahh....! I can't focus on my studies without my  glasses...yah... I know they will not lens they will just only glass but still my mom will never by the new one for me........What I'll do..?

*You were walking slowly towards the bus stop while talking to yourself then again..........4th time you were about to fall but someone grab your hand and pulled you into him.......*

Y/N - Ouchhh...!!

---- can't you walk properly for once....???

{ You heard a boys voice and look up....... And then you realise that he was your senior suga...... You quickly left him and stood back but he again grabbed you and pulled you closer to him....}

[ Anne - Oh my gosh....I love this scences.....😩❣️]

Suga - are you mad..??  If I didn't pull you to me...... You would have died right here.....

{ You look that your bag and realise that the cars buses and bikes were going in the very fast speed......}

* He feels that your body was shivering while seeing the scence behind you back....*

Suga - Don't worry...!

Y/N - I am sorry...... My eye glass broke and I was thinking about that...... That's why all this happened...

{ He feels sad about you }

Suga - Okay...

{ He left you and started to walk away from you.....}

Y/N - Ohh....shit.....I didn't thank him....* You realised*

{ You are about to call him but you saw that he was busy with his friends..}

Y/N - I will thank him tomorrow......

{ You came to your home.....}

Y/N - My back is paining like hell.....

{ While standing at the balcony you looked at the dark sky....... It seems really scary........ Then you came back to your bed and grab your diary.......}

You started to right :-

How are you both??? I am nice here..... You know today it was my first day in my University....... I got a friend her name is Nia... She is very beautiful inside+outside....Eomma (Mumma)..... Today I met two boys named Jimin and Suga.... They are very cool smart......bit arrogant but they didn't talk to girls...... interesting nahh...🤔... Every girl of our university has a crush on them.......... And most of the rich girls join the university because of them...... So ridiculous 😞.... You know I want you at my side I wanna hug you tightly.... Today my full body is paining cause I'm very tired......Appa( Dad ).... You always told me that whenever I miss you I should look at the stars but today..... While looking at the stars I got scared cause it seems very dark that it will indulge me to it.... Please always be with me I want you at my side....

*You kiss your precious dairy and laid on the bed....*

Y/N - ahh....! I feel relaxed 😌


Hope you love this part by readers 💕 lots of love from me and hope you are enjoying the story also if you didn't like this you can say me........ And thank you for supporting me byeeeee... And yes the next part will be posting soon 🔜......yup...... And yes this part... Is short comparing to the last one cuz..... I have divided my stories in parts and name this heading of the story also that's why some can be small or some can be huge so sorry for that.. (935 words)


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