Chapter 5: The Scandal

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Francis: Did you already know what just happened this morning?
Francine: Yes father, I already knew it. In fact, I did not go here empty handed.
Francis: What do you mean Francine?
Francine: I have something important that you need to see and to know about that freaking girl Erin.
Francis: What is it?
Francine: George, come over here. /* George enters
Francis: Francine who is this man?
George: Good Morning Mr. Carnegie, I'm George Harrison, Erin's childhood friend.
Francis: Oh, so why are you here? Francine why is he here?
Francine: Father, this man have a long time feelings for Erin, but his feelings was always rejected by Erin because she see him only as a friend. So the moment he knew Erin's involvement to Ethan, he is pissed off. By the way, he's also studying there pursuing his study in Information Technology.
Francis: So how did you met George.
Francine: He's actually beside me when I was watching how everyone in the campus were whispering to Ethan and Erin. I heard him beside me that he want to separate those two to get Erin. So I talked to him and agreed to conduct a plan to separate them. That's why I brought him here for you to meet him.
Francis: Oh, I see. So George what do you know about Erin?

-10 Years Ago-

George: Erin and I has always been a best friend for a long time, we treat each other as a siblings as a result of attached to each other. We were classmates since grade school, her parents know me as well up to this day. But she and her parents were not okay as it seems. Because of poverty and hunger, her parents  made her as a prostitute to make money. Erin was against about the idea, but her parents forced her to do it. One time, Erin was sent to a bar as a prostitute by her mother and that time she felt scared and harassed because men were touching her in different body parts, she suffered in depression that time. Their neighbors gossiped about them because of her work which triggered her depression even more. Her parents couldn't do anything but to shut, because they don't want to argue with their neighbors. Erin's dark life continued year by year not until she turned into 16 where she stops what she's been tasked to do by her mother. She didn't care if they would get mad at her, she leaves her parents and rent an apartment nearby the university. Since then, Erin used to be alone with no one wants to talk. I actually confessed my feelings to her back then, but she rejected me and told that she see me only as a friend. I was devastated that time and still stayed beside her even though I was rejected.

-Back in the Present Time-

Francine: Oh my god! She was a former prostitute?!
Francis: Now I see, that's why whenever I see her in the university campus, she's lonely.
Francis: So, Francine and George you know what to do next. I'll look forward to what'll you two going to do.
Francine: Of course father, I already have a sweet plan Hahahaha!

-The Next Day-

   Francine paid a columnist to make a newspaper article about Erin's scandal. The published newspaper was given to Francine and she handed it out to George. She tasked George to put the newspapers near the library, where most students go to. George followed what Francine told him to do.

-A couple of hours later-

   The scandal immediately spread out throughout the entire campus. Francine was glad that her plan worked again. Ethan and Erin was at the park studying for their class when someone told them about the scandal. Erin was shocked and panicked that she screamed out loud. Ethan was confused what is happening because he didn't know anything about the scandal. He asks Erin what is happening but Erin ran and finds where did it started spreading. Ethan followed Erin as she asks anyone about it and where did they get the newspaper, they told her that they got it near the library. Erin rushed near the library to check it. When Erin arrived in the library, she's out of words when she saw the scandal was published in a newspaper. Because of anger, she tore up the newspapers and thrown it away to the trash and left. Ethan didn't have the chance to follow Erin because she ran so fast to exit the university campus. Ethan unfolded the discarded newspaper in the trash, he was surprised and speechless when he reads the newspaper about Erin's scandal. He looks back the time he asks Erin about the problem between her and her parents but Erin refused to tell about it and told him that she's going to tell it in another time. He now know the reason why Erin is being rude to her parents when she's at the hospital.
   Ethan finds Trixie and Caroline to ask about it and turns out they also know about it. Ethan gathered as many information as he can to find out who's the one spreads it throughout the campus. Trixie mentioned about George, she told Ethan that George is Erin's long time childhood friend that has feelings for her but Erin rejected him back then. Trixie also knew that George is studying in the Sorus University because she frequently sees him walking and attending a class. The three of them suspects George as the one that spreads the scandal of Erin. Ethan asked Trixie and Caroline to help him find George to confirm is he's really the one who did that.

Ethan: Trixie, Caroline, can you help me find George?
Trixie and Caroline: Sure we'll help you, we want to avenge Erin for what George did to her.
Ethan: So first, we need to find out where can we usually see him. What department is he at?
Caroline: He's in the Information Technology department frequently.
Ethan: That bastard is an I.T. expert huh?!
Caroline: Yes, he's pursuing his degree in I.T.

   Ethan, Trixie, and Caroline searched for George everywhere in the I.T Department but they couldn't find him there. They try to ask anyone who's in the same department and they asks someone if he knows George Harrison, turns out that the person they approached was George's...

-End of Chapter 5-

~Proceed to Chapter 6~

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