(1) airport crushes and frappes

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• chapter one •

Welcome to the wonderful tales of my life sucks.

My name is Rhea Monroe, and as of present moments, I am hurtling from the sky in a burning plane filled with dozens of passengers towards the sea. Oh, and there's a bomb on board that's about to go off at any moment.

And I, despite having no former flight experience and being a mere 16 year old girl, am the pilot.

I thought there'd be nothing more fun than finishing my end of school exams and going on a 18 hour flight across the ocean to live with my grandparents for the entire summer.

Yeah, I was wrong. The timer of seconds left to live beeps, and I look up to see that it's on 5 seconds now. I take a deep, shaky breath.

Let's redo this from the top and start on a more positive note with my most favourite thing in the whole entire world:

"Please can I have a large chocolate fudge brownie with a light dairy swirl frappé with cream but no coffee," I smiled up at the lady who tapped it into the register.

"Thank you, next." My smile faltered. She didn't even look at me.

I moved back a little to make way for the other customers in queue and sighed, tapping my foot impatiently as I quickly flicked through my phone. A sudden whoosh and dark shadow passed over through the huge airport walls and my eyes were glued to the plane that took off, mighty and majestic in its colossal size.

I'd always found them so magical; they were large machines that could take you anywhere in the world. You entrusted your life to strangers, catapulting you up into the sky to steer you through the clouds.

Where anything could go wrong and nobody would be there to save you.

My phone won't stop buzzing.

Hurry up
gate is about to close
Where are you???
- Boss Lady

The waitress called me over less than a minute later, a huge delicious-looking drink in her hands. I couldn't stop the unctrollable grin carving through my face as I thanked her.

I need one of these at least every week to survive.

The drink was extremely cold in my hand, sending a shock up my arm as I struggled to hold it. I slung my bag over my shoulder and started running towards Gate 013.

Behind you
- me

My mother turned around, tapping her wrist impatiently. The air hostess behind her was trying politely to get her attention but unfortunately for her, my darling mother seemed more intent on burning holes through my soul with her eyeballs alone. I ran straight past my mother, through the corridor-tunnel and only stopped at the plane's entrance. A stern looking woman with her hair pulled back into a tight bun folded her arms, blocking my way on to the plane.

"Tickets?" She asked me. I opened my mouth to say something but my mom angrily shoved them into her hand, giving me yet another one of her infamous just-you-wait-im-going-to-murder-you-and-hide-your-body-somewhere-where-nobody-will-ever-find-you looks.

I stared back at her, taking a long, big slurp of the frappé. My mother sighed heavily, pointedly giving a look to the air hostess as if to say “can you believe this monstrosity I have for a daughter?” I took another long slurp.

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