Chapter I: Looking Back

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Its dark. So dark. The sky is a single black blanket which soon will cover the dirty ground. It will soon be night and the people will escape to their homes. I watched the people being happy while we drove further into the night. Further away from their surrounded happyness and closer to the edge of despair. I wish I could be that happy. But you need to make sacrifices. Sacrifices to reach your dream. But what is my dream? My love towards playing the piano is already onesided. May does not even exist anymore. But the love towards my parents does, even I hate it so much. I can not give up now.
If I can convince them I may can break out of their fake love prison I have been suffering in ever since I saw this world for the first time. I soon would be able to live my own life. I would be able to find my love for the piano again. I would finally love myself.

I continued to observe the area we drove through. It was the typical busy city. A city like many others in this world. Just simply boring and exhausting. Just two more blocks and we would be at the practice. I would set on my mask and play the role like every Friday night. But this time I were not able to put it on. I would not be able to put my mask on ever again.

At the next corner I just saw some bright lights followed with a loud noise until everything from dark turned black as the blanket slammed on the ground.

Still today I have problems walking through this city. Still thinking what I have could do differently. Should I just have cancelled for once? Should I just played sick for the day? No. My parents would have dragged me there anyway. It's not my fault. The other driver didn't pay attention. It's his fault. It's his fault that I can't play the piano anymore. It's his fault that my parents died and even If I hated their love as much as this world I will never be able to forgive him.
He destroyed my life.

This accident now is a few months ago. The time over I stayed at home and did absolutely nothing. I just sat there in our dark living room watching at the piano. Trying to remember keys of songs I used to play over and over again before that time. But there was nothing. Just emptiness.
And somehow it annoyed me. Not being able to do something that was once a huge part of you is horrible. Like losing a close friend. A friend you always hated inside because he was better than you at everything.
But still, I miss that friendship even I'm an egoist, not really caring about my friend's feelings. But pianos do not have feelings so I should not worry about that. I should worry about what I would do with my life from now on.

As I walked down the street I accidentally bumped into a guy who just was around my age. He had brownish hair and seemed quiet weak. However, his appearance surprised me. He was totally confident and completely the opposite of weak. His name turned out to be
Akihiro Fujisaki. The boy with the brightest eyes I have ever met. We apologised to each other and went our ways again. He lost a flyer he probably was handing out in the streets. I actually wanted to give it back to him but he seemed to have faded away in the huge crowd already so I had to keep it. It was a flyer for an open day at his school.
And finally I knew what I would do with my life.
I would go to school again. I will go to the school of this quick-tempered guy and will play the piano again. I would travel back to the life I used to live.

(Introduction-Chapter of my first romance book. I hope you like it and are excited for the upcoming chapters! I would be really happy about a feedback and your opinions on the story!
Much love @_lunartics <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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