Tenporary partners

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Maka woke up to the sun burning her cheek, and quickly rolled over landing on the floor. Not, her intentions. She sighed and stood up yawning taking a step to her closet and got dressed.
Thank god it's Friday, She thought.
Walking out the door She got a note saying she was to see lord death immediately when she arrive to school.
"What do you think it's about Maka?" Her best friend Crona asked.
"I'm not sure" She said shrugging her shoulders.
Crona nodded and walked beside Maka as they both walk to school. As they walked to the stair way Maka heard a familiar sound and watch a motorcycle zoom in and park.
"That's the asshole that splashed me yesterday" Maka yelled running towards the biker leaving Crona at the bottom of the stair way in a confused daze.
"Hey, what the hell was that for, huh!?" Maka asked the biker.
"What are you talking about" the biker asked chuckling.
"Oh, you think this is funny? We'll see about that after I kick your ass. You don't go around splashing people. It's not funny." Maka steamed. The biker just shook his head and sighed.
"Guess that's a way to get girls attention huh?" He said with anger in his voice.
"I thought you were smart, but look here blondie. Before you go acting badass toward people, make sure you're prepared for the consequences alright?" He stated stepping closer towards her.
Maka took a step back and huffed.
"Whatever" she replied walking away furious.
"See you in class blondie" she heard the biker yell. That ticked her off more. She didn't want to cause more of a scene so she turned around. Smiling, she put one finger in the air before turning and making her way back to Crona.
"Now, where we?" She asked Crona as he stared at the biker then turning his eyes to her.
"Uhhhh I-I don't remember" he stuttered.
Maka nodded and they made there way up the stairs to the DWMA.
Maka made hey way towards the door. She was kind of nervous, what was she here for? Then it hit her. She still hadn't found a weapon partner yet and everyone else had one. Well, it wasn't that she couldn't find one, it was just that no one wanted to be her partner.
"Lord death, you wished to see me" Maka sighed.
"Hey, hi, how ya doin?" Lord death said just like always sounding chipper.
"MY MAKA" Interrupted her thoughts before she could even react to lord deaths question.
"How is my beautiful Maka" spirit asked.
Annoyed Maka gave her father a mad look and turned toward lord death again.
"What did you need to see me for sir?" She asked.
"Ahhh, straight to the point, just like your mother. Well you see, it seems everyone has a weapon partner except you" he stated, making Maka sigh in disappointment.
"However, we have someone in mind who we think may be a good weapon match for you. Soul, may you please come in now" lord death said.
"You see Maka, Soul in my opinion should be a great match for you" lord death implied.
Maka looked over at the white haired boy and stared in the sea of crimson reading his emotions. He flashed a smile revealing a mouth full of sharp, fearsome teeth.
"Well, blondie. Looks like you're stuck with me now" he said grinning bigger.
Blondie? Maka thought. Whos called me that before?
Maka gasped before she almost when off. However, her father stepped in.
"Look here you little octopus head, if you so much as lay a hand on my daughter I will kill you. You got me you little brat?" Spirit threatened.
"Yeah yeah whatever, like I'd actually go for some flat chested, goody goody like your daughter. Cool guys don't settle for chicks that are basically the CEO and founder of the itty bitty titty committee" Soul said laughing. Even though she shouldn't of cared, Maka couldn't help but feel hurt.
She sighed and thanked lord death before walking to class. The whole day she hurt a lot more on the inside than she had in a while.
When school ended she didn't even walk over to any of her friends, she just walked down the stairway to go home passing by Soul who was getting on his motorcycle.
Since her and Soul were partners now, they had to share and apartment. Even if it was just temporary.
Soul had obviously beat her home and was asleep on the couch when she got home. He looked peaceful when he asleep, attractive. She sighed and walked to her room and grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
She let the warm water run down her body as she breathed in. Souls words still fresh, running through her mind. Maka could feel tears fill her eyes as she continued to think about it. It stung. Just like the way it hurt when she ran the razor blade across her wrist several times sending the color of Souls eyes running down and dripping onto the shower floor as it mixed with the water and went down the drain.
What made him so mean? He wasn't anything like this when she met him at the library in person. That is before he splashed her with his bike. But now he was a different person.
Even worse, he was now her temporary partner.
After her shower she peeked to see if Soul was still asleep. There he was, still asleep on the couch. Maka, still hurt and bleeding covered him with a blanket and walked back to her room laying down. She turned the light of and stared out the window. It didn't take long at all for her to start crying and eventually cry herself to sleep. She hoped that everything would get better but she knew it wouldn't. With Soul it would only be hell. All she could do was hope that things would better. Too bad her hope was running thin.

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