I hate you.

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Soul woke me up by yelling through the house and bursting in my room.

"Maka, you up?"

"Now I am, what's wrong" I asked as he sat down on my bed and looked at me. I felt my arm start stinging and moved so I wasn't laying on it.

"We kind of have no food in the house, again." He stated, looking slightly confused at my pained face.

"I'm not, sitting on your arm am I? He asked.
"No, my arm is just sore, That's all, I'm guessing you want to go out?"
"Oh, no. I have a date. I was just telling you. Don't want my miester underfed and unable to make me a death scythe. Even if you are only a temporary miester" he stated as he got up and walked out my room.
I waited to hear him get his keys and close the door. I heard his bike start up and decided to get out of bed.
"Underfed and unable, whatever asshole" I spoke aloud. I didn't even eat that night before I cleaned the house and went to lay down. Soul finally got in at 3 am, drunk and loud as flip. Luckily Kid had found him stumbling along the road.
"What the hell? I thought he had a date?"
"He did. They went to a party and she used him so he got upset and got drunk. Poor guy." Kid answered.
"Poor guy? He's an asshole. I hate being partners with him. I hate him. He's rude and only cares for himself" I raise my voice and Kid looks stunned.
"Look, I'll take him from here. Thanks for dropping him off" I said and smiled at Kid. He smiled back and gave me a reassuring pat and walked off closing the door.
"You know. I never thought I'd be the played. It hurts" my drunk partner randomly said.
"I'm just gonna sleep in here tonight" he said walking into my room.
"Umm your rooms that way" I pointed.
"Well. Guess that sucks for you" he said walking towards my bed.
"God. You're such an asshole" I yelled.
Next thing I know, I feel my face hit the wall and feel blood rush out my nose.
"And you don't know how to have fun" he said as he pushed me into the wall again. And walked off.
"I've had enough of you!!" I yelled.
"Oh is that all you feel. I've had enough of you too" he spat.
I got up and slapped him causing him to step back.
"I hate you." Was all I could say before everything went black.

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