Episode 5 - King's Throne

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The King's throne game, its rules are simple. You have to take over the throne and defend it until the time runs out. The game should be divided into rounds. Guessing by the 5 groups here, it's going to be 3 rounds.

If it was with any other group of people, I would've joined without much thinking. Both Experience and Col are ridiculously valuable. Not to mention the earthshaker sword. It becomes useless past the 15th game but for now it's a stupidly good weapon.

I would've loved to join this game. Moderator Jaehee, despite being a moderator just like the rest, is one who upholds balance above all else. Meaning this game is a way to put us users on the same level as Ethan...which means she was probably listening in on our conversation.

I really want to join that game but—

"Who will participate in the mini game?" Jeffery asked, "Tell if you'll participate as an individual or a group too!"

Ethan's hand almost shot up. Ah. I saw it coming. Originally earthshaker could be obtained through a hidden dungeon. The mini game would be a faster method than that. Not to mention his sword from earlier was brittle, it probably wouldn't withstand Ethan's ridiculous growth rate.

"Are we in?" Eric asked, "Please big sis!! I wanna kick that asshole's ass so bad!!"

Eric, you sweet summer child. He'll kill you in four seconds flat...Then again it's probably a good chance to see everyone's combat prowess in action. To begin with everyone here is a beginner, the only monster is Ethan, so long as we avoid him we probably could win.

"I vote we skip." Melody said, "It's a waste of time, I'd rather we headed straight for the next game."

"I agree with Melody." Diane said, "We should be focusing our efforts on getting to know the system better, rather than fighting petty fights."

"I'm on Eric's side." Aqua said, "As much as Diane makes sense and it's probably the most optimal move, I have a strong feeling I won't ever get the chance to wack that jerk's head."

Not you too!! Goodness gracious is Ethan ridiculously good at pissing people off!!...He is right though, the next time we meet Ethan he'll be much stronger than he is now.

Issue is I don't know if anyone of us here is a healer. Eric and Melody definitely aren't. Diane and Aqua on the other hand? No clue. I could probably check with my moderator rights...but I won't unless I absolutely have to. I want to at least respect those two's privacy.

I felt everyone's gaze so I looked up. Their faces all had looks of anticipation. Euk...guess they weren't kidding about me being their leader.

"...Ethan— Err, that guy from earlier is above all of us—" I started but was cut off.

"We're aware, we did hear his stat levels from you." Aqua said, "He's a monster compared to everyone else is your point. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't give it a shot."

That's fair. If anything his teammates will be a hindrance to him the way things are now. That being said Ethan would join the mini game on his own if that were the case.

"...It's a great opportunity." I spoke honestly, "We'd be able to get ahead, not to mention, I do want the Earthshaker sword if possible."

"Then we should—" Aqua started but I cut him off.

"That being said, a fight against him or his group could cost us way more than we bargained for. And I agree with Diane, unlike Ethan, we aren't completely familiar with the world system and it's uses—"

"You are though." It was Melody's turn to cut me off, "You can just see our user windows and put us where necessary."

Melody!! I thought you didn't want to participate!!! Why are you giving Aqua a stronger case!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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