TWENTY-FIVE || best laid plans

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"I just can't believe Kendall hired him. Like he had to have known he was her ex, right? God, they probably met on her 16th. This is low, even for him."

Shiv and Roman were seated in one of the otherwise empty boardrooms as they waited for Cora. All three of them had woken up to both the news of Cora's appointment as well as a text from Gerri, asking for them to all attend an impromptu meeting. Shiv held a coffee cup in one hand as she reclined in against her leather seat, while Roman was swinging back and forth in his, tapping his fingers against the glass table below. He had his phone opened to a Twitter timeline of the latest updates about the current Waystar fuckfest, refreshing it every so often with his index finger. The latest update? Cordelia Vernon, 33, leaving her apartment for her first day as Waystar CEO.

"I mean, he was an abusive piece of shit as well, not that Kendall knows that but it's an added layer of ... Y'know, fuckery." Roman replied, glancing up from his phone to face his sister. "But I mean, what's the worst he's gonna do? He rattled her, sure, but it's not like he can do any real damage."

Shiv narrowed her eyes, an uncertain smile slowly spreading across her lips. She shook her head as she spoke. "He's ... What? Arthur's not abusive. He was just ... A dick, right?"

"Yeah ... Sure." Roman prolonged the word, swinging in his seat. "You don't think so because you never noticed. I don't know if you knew this, Shiv, but you were actually pretty self-centred during your teens. I'm afraid it never really wore off either."

"Uh, fuck you. She was my best friend. I'd know if he was abusing her. She would've said."

"I'm not denying that Siobhan, I'm just saying you didn't notice the things I did. Case and point; the fact you've never commented on Cordelia's mild eating disorder."

"Cora doesn't have an eati-"

"Name one time you've seen her finish a meal." Roman replied. When Shiv could only stammer in response, he wagged a finger at her. "See."

"She just has a small appetite!"

"Uh huh." Roman replied. "Just pushes the food around the plate for fun, does she? Come on Shiv, no one enjoys coffee with no creamer and salads that much. And the staring in the mirrors? It's really obvious actually, pretty embarrassing you've never noticed."

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