Chapter 15

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I woke up, sitting up quickly in a panicked manner before checking the clock. My family wouldn't be up yet, so I sunk back against Rain. I put my leg over his, resting my head on his chest. A soft snore came from him, signaling he was still in deep sleep. He always slept so well, it made me jealous. I turned over and picked up my phone, swiping away notifications until I tapped on Swiss' contact. 

Sodo tried sneaking into Mountain's greenhouse to get some of his private stash, and Mountain caught him and then decided to put him up above the fireplace on the shelf, and then he couldn't get down so he sat up there for like an hour until he was begging Mountain to let him down because he needed to piss 😂

I let out a giggle, reading the message. I took a screenshot and sent it to Sodo, knowing he was probably still sleeping. I slowly crawled out of the bed, making sure not to disturb Rain. I unlocked the door and left the room, hoping someone wouldn't look in and see him unglamoured. I quickly went into my room and locked the door, letting out a sigh of relief. I grabbed my suitcase and pulled out a knee length pleated black skirt, black leggings and a sunset dusty orange turtleneck. I figured it was Thanksgiving suitable. I dressed and combed my brown hair back, pinning back the front strands in a small hair clip. I pulled on my plain black low heeled boots and put on a necklace with my name on it before leaving my room. I slowly walked down the stairs, the house sounding completely empty. I walked over to the coffee maker and made a large pot of coffee, knowing it would be the first of many for today. I sat down in the living room, waiting for the coffee to brew as I looked around my childhood home. I thought of all the memories I had in this room, thankful for the conversation Rain and I had the night before. I was brought from my trance as I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. I turned to see Shelby coming towards, her Moana disney blanket tightly wrapped around her. 

"Hey Shelly." I smiled, her coming and sitting beside me. "What are you doing up this early?" I asked, seeing the clock about to strike 6. 

"It was cold in my room." She yawned with a stretch before she cuddled against my side. 

"Well Aunt Aly will keep you nice and warm." I cooed with a smile, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. She yawned again, closing her eyes. I bit my lip in regret as the smell of fresh brewed coffee flowed into the room. I waited several minutes before moving and laying Shelby down on the couch and grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch and putting it on top of her. I entered and kitchen as Rain, followed by mom decided the stairs and walked into the kitchen. 

"Good morning Alyson!" My mom said with a smile as I poured a cup of the steaming black liquid. 

"Morning mom." I nodded, going to the fridge and pulling out the creamer. Rain yawned, looking miserable in his human form. 

"Dad should soon be up to get the turkey started." Mom said, grabbing a mug from the cabinet. 

"How big is the bird?" I asked after taking a long sip of coffee, the warmth spreading around my body. 

"It was a 28 pounder. Not bad for home raised." Mom chuckled. 

"What is a home raised turkey?" Rain asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"We raised it here and butchered it here." Rain's faced paled. Mom let out a laugh, seeing his pale face. I chuckled, trying to show him sympathy. 

"Mom and dad raise most of the meat they eat, Cosmo." I giggled. 

"Good to know." He nodded, looking quite uncomfortable. 

"Shelby is sleeping in on the couch. She came down about 15 minutes ago saying she was cold." I quickly said to mom, making her nod. 

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