The Rains Reigns

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March 13, 2023
The weather people said it was going to rain. It is! I felt it on my arm, as it continues soaking my shirt, when I fed the animals.

Can we get too much rain? Well the great flood is promised to never happen again, it's why we have the rainbow in the sky. So too much rain, isn't a thing. We may get a lot of rain. Dangerous storms with rain, but never more than what in time we will need to survive on.

I think of Noah and how he was supposed to build a vessel that never had been built before for the rain that had never in the history ( at that time) had happened before. Rain was dew from the ground , it had never stormed on earth until the day of the great flood. I think of Noah and how though he sinned God knew He was obedient to His plans. I believe we are all traced to bloodlines in the bible. Of course connected through Jesus blood as our Savior , but I mean also in the book of life I think we will be able to see the people we read about as our own Kin through the fruits of our family ties. I really hope I'm traced back to Noah. Because in my heart I hope to one day hear God ask me to build a vessel and not doubt in a lot of years of making it that it will come to be, before the overflowing waters wash over us and celebrate the day of completion.

Prayer Time 🙏
( Divine Mercy)

My Meditation thoughts;
Heavenly Father,
Maker of sunshine and rain. The clouds in the sky fill with your living water, that you pour out on us. Forgive those who curse the rain, Bless those who need it and let the rest of us that are grateful be in the presence of your grace. Today was warm and cool at the same time. Your beauty is unmatched. Your creations made by your perfect hands are superior in your love. In your Passion is much Mercy. Amen 🙏

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