Meant To Know

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May 26, 2023

I put a few dozen puzzles together in my youthful days. I'm talking old school puzzles, the kind where you hold the pieces in your hand. One puzzle I kept, only one out of all of them I put together , and I remember I got it at a thrift store. I was so excited to put it together, and guess what ? Two pieces were missing . Why did I keep it? I don't give up finding something I want to know. Maybe I'll find those two pieces. Maybe I won't , but I'm keeping what I got until the puzzle is finished.

Jesus dropped every last drop of blood for us. He said " it is finished". Now there is a lot of things I don't understand. From the grief of a loved ones passing , to abortion of children, racism, prejudice of all kinds , ( I'm not immune, God has worked through a lot of preconceived prejudice in me, also some I grew from bad choices I made, and God will work on me until my last breath.) If we say we have no prejudice we might as well try to get people to believe we have lived our whole lives brain dead. Denying a wrong will never make it right. Repentance alone won't either. But Repentance is the first step to fixing it so we will not continue to do wrong in that way. I don't understand why I did a lot of things I've done. Just like I don't have those two missing puzzle pieces. But I do know this one thing that makes me stay a seeker and not give up the puzzle game. The pieces that's lost, I didn't lose . Because someone else made the puzzle. Another person gave it up to be sold, and another person bought it for me. My Parents. You see all things come at a price. What we keep become priceless. Even if we didn't pay for it.

I'll do and learn and grow and give love, as I'm meant to do. Now, Yesterday, and Next Year. Because all moments are planned. That's my trust. My Faith. I am the only one allowed to make my steps towards that Faith.

Prayer Time 🙏 ( Joyful Mystery)

My Meditation thoughts;

Heavenly Father,

I trust you, I let go onto you all the days of my life.  I know I belong to you. In your care is my loved ones. Family , Friends, Animals and Neighbors. Give our leaders wisdom, compassion and a spirit of unity. Gather your sheep and protect us Lord. We need you.

Mary , Queen of Heaven, and Joseph, Foster Father of Jesus, pray for us. Amen 🙏 J+m+j. 🥰😘

May Praise ( In Love + Hope )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang