Chapter 29

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      Eraser and Edgeshot stopped running when Toga led them straight into the gathering of Syndicate Members. As Trip and E stepped forward, their shoulders tensed as they scanned your group and came up with missing members. Toga leaned over her legs panting as she held up one hand indicating that she needed to try and breathe. E looked to the two Heroes and tilted his head obviously looking for an explanation. Eraser looked at Edgeshot and shrugged as he stepped forward. "I'm not exactly sure what is going on, but we entered the left chamber where the gunfight was happening. The Vill.... uh buyers," Eraser stumbled a bit and recovered moving forward to the sound of a snort from Toga. "attempted to negotiate their safety. Another person appeared at that moment. I know him as the Hero Killer, Stain." Aizawa watched the two leaders carefully and noted their weary glances and lack of surprise. He filed that information away as he continued. "Negotiations for safety failed and a fight ensued. Stain and Toga eliminated several hostiles, and we did stop Sprite from eliminating one. Once the hostiles were subdued, and we established we were not hostiles to Stain, Edgeshot approached Sprite. She seemed to have some recognition of him and started to, hell I don't even know what to call it. Power up? Overload? Anyway, at that point Toga told us to run and anticipating that you had contingency plans we evacuated with the rest of you. Stain stayed behind with Sprite."

      "A damn good thing you did too." Everyone spun around to see Stain emerge from the night carrying Lion in his arms. As Trip, E, Eraser, and Edgeshot rushed over he shook his head quickly. "She's fine, just knocked out. However, I suggest we get out of here before they blow the house." As Eraser and Edgeshot yanked their heads up, Trip nodded and raised one hand circling it quickly. As the rest of the members melt back into the night E does a final com check to ensure that the building is cleared of friendlies and victims. Getting the all clear he holds up his left arm and exchanging a look with Trip he presses a sequence into his wristband. There's a moment of silence before a massive fireball erupts, incinerating the house and causing the night to light up. Trip places his arm around E and gives him a light squeeze as Eraser just lifts his eyebrow and turns back to Stain. Stain watches the flames for a moment then looks down at Lion and turns to the men. "I'm going to take her home. Meet me there." As he turns away Trip and E exchange glances and Trip looks up a conflicted look in his eyes. "Stain..." He started to say softly when Stain came to a halt his stiff back facing the group. "I know Trip," He said without turning back. "but I have to do this. I can't just leave her. Not now." Trip hung his head as E gazed at the flames and Aizawa watched carefully, restraining Edgeshot, as they tried to figure out what the hell they were watching in the small group. "Go Hero Killer." E's cold voice echoed in the night seeming to ring out from everywhere and nowhere at once. "We will give you this night for the memory of who you were." Stains shoulders stiffened as he quietly faded into the night with Lion held close to his heart.

     As the individuals made their way back to the main cavern Eraser took the opportunity to approach Trip and E. "So, The Hero Killer is a member of Syndicate?" He tossed out there still struggling with his own anger at the thought of any group embracing one such as Stain. Edgeshot ranged himself next to Eraser a forbidding look on his face as Trip and E watched the members of Syndicate filter back in. "Not exactly," Trip started to say as E cut him off suddenly with a bitter voice. "You mean No, Trip. That is NOT a member of Syndicate." As Aizawa and Kamihara exchanged glances again they focused back on the lithe young man radiating anger. As E struggled to control his anger Trip looked at him and placed his hand on E's shoulder and pulled the young man closer. Aizawa's sharp eyes flicked back and forth between them before deciding he needed answers more than the two young men needed to fix whatever lovers spat this was. "Ok so is he, or isn't he? We have respected your rules and not interfered in your organization even to the point that we have let known criminals walk away from us, but this is beyond even my ability to overlook. Stain is a murderer and an active public menace, possibly even more then that female member of LOV." He paused and Edgeshot stepped forward to continue. "There is an active manhunt for Stain. We cannot, as Heroes who uphold both laws and justice, overlook the knowledge of his current whereabouts. I do not wish to risk losing the trust or risk the betrayal of my word to Dandelion however I must either capture the serial killer or bring in others who can." Trip sighed and looked down unable to argue what they were saying and after counting the last of the stragglers making their way in E turned and gave a flat look to both the heroes. He gave a mirthless snort and looking back made a motion to close the main doors. Spinning in Trip's arm he rested his head momentarily on Trips chest before taking a deep breath and pushing himself upright. Turning to look back at the small group he motioned them to follow him and lead them back towards the war room.

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