Chapter 1

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Flames. All I could see were flames, as merfolk swam to escape the ugly wrath of the flames that licked the air and everything around them. Boats from above the water swarmed above the ocean depths. I was stuck in mass of folk swimming away from the terror. Thoughts rushed through my head as my town, my home, burned to ash. I didn't know who anyone was anymore, I didn't know what to do. So I swam.
* * * * *
No parents, no family, I swam along with the abandoned merfolk, to find a better place. A place that wouldn't be discovered and destroyed by Humans.
* * * * *
I had made a better home, in the Kingdom of King Triton and I'd grown to love it there, and it's King. I visited the King daily, and he loved me. We often talked about marriage, but not soon enough for me. I would go to his palace often, we enjoyed each others company.
"And how are you getting along?" he asks me, his blue eyes sparkling.
"Very well, I've found a home and made some new friends," we chatted over our dinner. And after many months we got closer and closer, and he finally announced our engagement. We could see a bright future together, until I messed up terribly.
I met a handsome merman and we fell in love, but kept it secret. We would see each other, but not as much as Triton and I. But I was with my secret man at the wrong time. Triton barged into the house, found us there, and banished me, he cursed me, sending me to an octopus form, and sent me to a cave far away from his Kingdom. That is where I am now, the King hates me, but I despise everything about him, and his new daughters. I live with this curse, which can only be broken with Triton's trident and crown.
And believe me. I will find him again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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