part 3

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They end up watching the whole thing. In one sitting. Seven hours that Harry will never get back. Louis had perked up almost immediately when the docuseries had started, interest piqued by the eccentric storyline.

It was so horrible, they both agreed, but at the same time, they couldn't look away. All they could do was sit in ashamed silence, between each episode, watching it auto-play the next one.

For the next couple of weeks, it becomes a major topic. There's a point where Louis will only respond to whatever Harry has to say with, "I'm never going to financially recover from this."

It's so annoying, but Harry can't help the smile that makes its way across his face every time Louis delivers the line in a mock-forlorn tone.

He pretends he doesn't notice that Louis smiles the second Harry cracks and shows his amusement. Louis uses the line anytime he can when Harry asks what groceries he wants when they're snuggling on the couch trying to decide what other streaming subscription to get.

Harry wants to say he's sick of it, but truthfully, he loves watching the little grin appear on Louis's face when he knows the other man is about to quote the loathsome documentary.

They spend the rest of spring break, having sex and vegging out in front of the television and Harry can't believe how their volatile relationship has transformed. They still fight like cats and dogs, finding at least three things to disagree on every day. However, it's hard to ignore the way their insults are lined with a hint of fondness or that sometimes their arguments end up in them laughing, doubled over at their own antics.

Unfortunately, a small piece of reality crashes into them and suddenly Spring break is over in one day.

Harry is toggling around the Zoom application on his laptop one morning, trying to figure out how to use it. He's not thrilled about the prospect of these remote learning classes and there's still been no clarification on how his labs will be moved to an online setting. He has a feeling his professors won't really know either

He's so concentrated on the task at hand, trying to figure out if he can upload a fun background to Zoom, to notice that someone has entered his study and suddenly, he has a lapful of warm and sleepy boy.

"Um, hi?" he asks.

"Hi," Louis says breathlessly. He's shifting all over Harry's lap, searching for something. Harry takes one look down at Louis's downstairs region and figures out what's going on.

"Did my baby wake up hard?" he croons.

"Yes Daddy," Louis answers, almost shyly. He hasn't stopped his squirming, so Harry encases his hips firmly in his hands to stop the movement.

"Do you need Daddy?" Harry asks, already knowing the answer.

Louis nods, refusing to make eye contact. Harry pulls him to his chest, so Louis's back is flush with Harry's front. Louis tilts his head back onto Harry's shoulder and angles his mouth to meet Harry's.

Harry lets their lips slide together for a few moments until he's slipping his tongue inside Louis's. Louis lets out a satisfied hum and groans into Harry's mouth. They spend a while just lazily making out until Louis's squirming resumes and Harry snakes his hand up to grip Louis's throat with a hint of firmness.

Louis whines. "Please," he gasps out.

"What do you need baby?" Harry says.

"Want your fingers in me," Louis manages to get out, now grinding his arse shamelessly against Harry's bulge.

Harry lets him have a few more minutes of relief before the grip on his throat tightens.

"Stop moving," he orders.

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