1: Keep You

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Dear Dean,

I remember when I first saw you. It took me around a week before I noticed that you were a part of my home room. At that time, I was new and had just transferred from a private school. But don't get me wrong, I'm not a snob in any way. At that time, I was absolutely furious with my parents. I couldn't believe that they put me in a school with a bunch of weirdos, zesty boys, and standard mean girls.
I was still focused on getting back to my old school because I felt like that one didn't have much to offer and I had to get back to Andrea, Carrie, and him. Edward. I felt absolutely horrible. The type of horrible when you realize that you were tricked into a bad deal. How could I survive possibly survive public school without Carrie's advice or Andrea's innocence?
Throughout that year, I never really cared much for you. Honestly, I didn't even know your name. That was, until Victor introduced us. By that time, nothing could go wrong for me. I was a part of choir and already had two best friends named Avery and Tessa. We were a trio, you see. But trios never work out do they.

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