Part 2 Chapter 1 New Arrival.?

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The phone starts ringing Josh: hey Avery how is the new upgraded Montgomerygator and glamrock chica going?

Avery: they are going great chica has some glitches same with Monty. But besides that they are fine.

Josh: that's good to hear anyway how has your daughter Amelia? Been going I heard things have been tough since her dad died.

Avery: we are trying our best she isn't coping well though. She has been constantly crying and beating her head on the wall in anger. It's hard to watch especially for something that wasn't exactly her fault. there's nothing she could have done to stop it.

Josh: that's very sad well I hope you can sort something out since that isn't healthy.

Avery: I hope I can too but the animatronics will be sent to your workshop soon in about an hour. So expect them soon since I'm almost done.

Josh: Thanks Avery see ya

Avery: see ya, Josh

Hangs up phone

Josh: hung up the phone and he walked through his modern house past the living room. and went down a long hallway filled with cobwebs and old torn Fazbear entertainment posters scattered across the walls. He went forward through the hallway and opened the door to his workbench.

Josh: cracked his knuckles and opened a filing cabinet and pulled out the blueprints for Roxanne Wolf. He pulled out a wench from his table and a spanner.
And he pulled out the spare parts and he started to work on Roxanne's wolf first he started to repair the animatronic suit.

Josh: next started by grabbing a pair of yellow eyes out of the animatronic eye draw and plopped them in the empty eye sockets. After that, he started to fix the rest of her animatronic body and then he removed her suit and gave her an upgraded endoskeleton, and then put her animatronic suit back on.

After the course of 2 hours, she was now done and fixed and Josh now had oil all over himself so. Josh walked back down the hallway and washed his hands at the sink and used a towel to clean himself off.

He grabbed his phone and rang Avery.

Josh: "Hey Avery the new Roxannie wolf model is complete how are Chica and Monty coming along?."

Avery: "Yeah they are coming along great they are almost complete, I was also able to pinpoint what caused the glitches it was a little chip embedded in the endoskeleton of the animatronic and I was able to luckily remove them but it's still strange..... Do you know anything about this?."

Josh: "No actually I don't there shouldn't be any weird chip in them at all neither me nor Damien put anything like that in them.!"

*Josh said clearly getting fed up.*

Avery: "I I it's alright Josh I don't think you did it or Damien I was just asking since it's strange sorry....."

Josh: "Look it's fine, just finish up work on them and bring them to me."

Avery: "Yeah don't worry I will Josh I will."

Josh: "Good now if that is all I will be going."

Avery: "Hey wait! Before you go, are you
This is a good idea? This location.?."

Josh: "What? Of course, it's a great idea it will bring in a lot of money and newcomers to the company and it's brilliant.!"

Avery...... "ok.... Then we'll ill keep working then I'll talk to ya soon Josh."

Josh: "Yeah I'll talk to ya soon......"

*Josh hung up the phone in annoyance at her clear worrying but he also tried to calm himself knowing it was reasonable. Especially for someone without his ambition.*

* Avery pov.*

Avery: "geez his really treading on some unsafe roots with what he wants to do, and I've got borough into this mess by default since I want to help.....

Sigh "If this blows up in my face I don't care how much I care about him and Damien I'm pulling out of this project".

She said as she finished upgrading and updating Chica and Monty based on the new schematics now she only had what 30 or so more to do...

This would be a long and tiring ride and

She was already out of coffee

She sighed as she looked at the animatronics she had now finished upgrading

As she turned around though she saw her daughter Amelia

Holding that annoying helpy animatronic she found a couple of months back thrown away seemingly. that she also now always carries around as it stared at Avery.

End of part 2 of chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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