Part 3

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The club was empty now. It was just you and Jungkook. You were all drunk and wobbly.

"Y/n. You can stop now"  Jungkook said taking the glass from your hand which made you frown

"I wanna go home" You said in a drunk tone while Jungkook was holding you to keep you still.

"Bring me to my home" You said 

"I don't know where your home is tho-"  Jungkook said while you started walking and Jungkook was just behind you making sure you don't fall to the ground

Suddenly you stopped on your path and went towards Jungkook.  You went really close to him which made him take two steps back but you went near him and hugged his neck.

Jungkook's eyes widened but he held you by your waist to make sure you don't fall to the ground

"My address is saved in my phone" You said and backed up. You took your phone and handed it to Jungkook

"ok I guess" Jungkook said

You gave him a smile and started walking. 

Jungkook was right behind you and held you by your hand making sure you don't fall

When you both reached your car you stopped and so did Jungkook.

"I don't have your keys" Jungkook said

"Let's go in your car. I'll tell someone to pick mine up tomorrow."  You said and started walking

That's when you almost fell down however Jungkook stopped you

"I can't let you walk like this"  Jungkook spoke and scooped you up in his arms.

Your hands were clasped around Jungkook's neck.

"I wanna sleep"  you said with your eyes closed

"let's get in the car first"  Jungkook said and hurried towards his car

Jungkook went near his car and opened the door , put you in the passenger seat and went to the drivers seat.

He turned your phone on and took your address and started driving

"Take a right"  You said drunk and unsteady 

"ok"     Jungkook said after looking at the map and turned the steering wheel 

The ride was silent until you broke the silence

"you know I really like a boy"   You said while  being really drunk

Jungkook slightly glanced at you and then looked back at the road

"Who's the boy"  Jungkook asked with a serious face

"His first name is Jeon"  You said while smiling

"Jeon?  WAIT my first name is Jeon"  Jungkook said while smiling while showing his bunny teeth

"No sir."   You said which made Jungkook confused

Was there any other person who you knew with the surname Jeon?  Jungkook thought

"His name is Jeon Jungkook"  you said and chuckled 

Jungkook's eyes widened and that's when Jungkook saw the bracelet with the half of the butterfly and smiled

"I really like him you know?" 



"from when did you start liking him"  Jungkook asked knowing you were not in your right senses

"From Highschool"  you said 

Jungkook just smiled

"I saw him at a club today but I don't know if he likes me or not" You said and sighed

"I'm sure he likes you"  Jungkook said and slightly glanced at you to see your reaction

"Really?  You think so?"  You asked smiling

"yes. I'm sure"  Jungkook said

"Stop this is my home"  You said while pointing at a house

Jungkook checked the map to double check if you were right as you were drunk. After making sure it was your house Jungkook stopped the car and parked it.

"C'mon let's go"  Jungkook said and got outside

He waited for you for about a minute and opened the door to check what you were doing

Jungkook smiled when he saw you sleeping soundly with a smile on your face

"You must have been tired from all that talking and drinking"  Jungkook said while smiling

Jungkook took your bag for the keys of your house and after taking them he scooped you up in his arms

Jungkook walked to the door, opened it and went to the couch 

He went upstairs and went to a bedroom guessing it was yours. He placed you on the bed and covered you with the blanket.

"Good night"  He said to you and smiled

"I love you" Jungkook said and placed a peck on your cheek and left


To be continued


I Have A Crush Season 2 Jungkook FF (completed)Where stories live. Discover now