-- Chapter zero --

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Chapter zero: The Beginning of an End

In truth, Humans should've known better than to harm the beloved one, one that was loved by the creators of their own world.

Especially that they were warned again, and again, and again.

But then again, it is too late for them to have any regrets. For what is done, cannot come undone.

So why don't I tell you about what that is, the meaning behind the words I said? You're interested?


Now, heed us well as we begin with everything goes like this:

Humans, those that were born with brilliant powers, were able to bear one of the elements of the primal four, which were: Fire, Water, Earth and Wind.

Proud of what they were, they never once learned the origin of how they even came to possess these miracle powers in the first place.

Before the Humans, came the Gods, a supreme being who oversaw the people below from high above. And among them, there was one who was of the newborn, a young Godling, who was the strongest and also the loneliest of them all.

And that young, lonely Godling one day wandered upon the middle realm, where most Humans and Creatures lived. Upon wandering, that young, lonely Godling met a lost child, who was just as young as he was.

Naive that young and lonely Godling was, he helped the sly and manipulative young Human child, without once did he know of his downfall that the Human child shall soon bring him to.

And when the war came, the Godling perished upon the betrayal of that Human he once helped.

Sure, with the death of that young Godling, it brought the Human race with great rewards, letting them to be able to wield the elements, be that as it may, it also brought them the Gods' Wrath upon them, their rage arose with the knowing of the death of their fellow kin.

For fifty days and fifty nights the Humans fought with the Gods, and soon the Humans came out as the victorious of the long and gruesome war.

However, their vanquishment of them was only because the Gods had decided to leave the Human realm in the remembrance of that young Godling that they actually came to love without the Godling's knowing.

Some of the Humans wrote it down in their history that it was the one and only time they were proud of being able to defeat such divine beings that came from above.

And that Human who betrayed the young Godling was crowned as the King – no, as an Emperor of the new empire.

But, that Human was swallowed in his guilt, unable to overcome the betrayal he had brought to his first friend. Thus, in remembrance of that Godling he betrayed, that Human then named the Empire with the name of Kaimaharene, a wish to be forgiven by the deed he had made.

Not only that, that Human renamed him and his future generation as the Xolani, leaving its once prideful name into the Void of the Forsaken One, never to be remembered by any but him.

No other Humans had come to know what it meant and the reason for such action, but they let it be, thinking that their newly crowned Emperor was just seeking forgiveness for the loss of their people in the war with the Gods.

As if this action itself was very obvious to everyone, and to the Emperor himself.

And one day, nearly a year after the war between the two races, one of the Humans found a unique gemstone and presented it to the Emperor of the Kaimaharene Empire.

With one look, the Emperor knew that it was no normal gemstone they had brought to him, it was a gemstone created by someone he was most familiar with, the young Godling who he had wholeheartedly betrayed.

And so, the Emperor kept the given gemstone in the most safekept place, the place that sealed with the key of both him and the deceased Godling had created in the past of the forgotten.

From then on out, the door closed behind him and no other Humans had ever seen their Emperor ever again, and the next Emperor was crowned soon after the disappearance of the first Emperor.

Now, the story ends here. But there is one question that I have in mind, what actually happened in between this very story that caused such an ending? What of the betrayal that the Human has brought the young Godling?

Are there still things that none of us, till this day, has ever known of?

Maybe we can begin with a slumbering child in their sleeping cocoon who sleeps for many, many years to come, in the forest that is protected by one of the Gods above?

We can only sit back and watch, as everything unfolds before us, either in a slow and mysterious way, or in a way where they only bring more questions to us.

And with the quill placed down on the table, a mysterious smile formed on their face as a feminine voice spoke that echoed in the air. "Let the show begin, Child of hers."

"Will you entertain me or will you disappoint me instead?"

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