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Camille was like a celebrity in her hometown after the music video dropped. The ability to perform increased for her more and more, word of mouth spreading about how good she danced. People loved her character and confident presence on stage. Rappers wanted her to be by their side while they did their sets. You could spot her on MTV or BET from time to time. 

Opportunities were just falling into her lap and she couldn't be happier.

"They want you on Soul Train."

Her agent looked down at her notes and messages, saying that Don Cornelius had called personally to ask if she was available for an episode. It seemed like August and September were going to be jam packed in terms of scheduling, but scratching off a couple of things to make the show would definitely be possible.

"You're lying."

The earliest memories she had was of her mama's Zenith color television in her cramped, two bedroom apartment. Being the only child, Camille would shuffle around her living room and imagine that she was going down the line with all the other women. 

In the fantasy, she had a fresh blowout with roller curls and a sparkling silver sequined dress on. It flowed in the wind as she spun around to cheers from the crowd that deafened the sound of the music.   

Billy Dee Williams would suddenly appear and whisk her away from everyone else.

"Nope. I'm not pulling your leg. At 6:29 a.m. this morning, Mr. Cornelius said he wants to see Miss Camille 'get loose' on the dance floor."

She pierced a couple of pieces of grilled salmon and lettuce that were drizzled in a tangy dressing as she replayed what her agent had just told her. She couldn't believe her ears or her eyes for that matter, the view in her 14th story condo breathtaking as it overlooked New York. Dijah was going to die and come back once she heard the news.

"Yes. Please tell him that I will accept the offer."

The agent turned around from what she was doing.

"Don't you want to know the rate? I wouldn't do away with negotiation completely."


"What's that? Don't I just get paid for the gig upfront, like usual?"

The salad was nearly gone, the takeout container getting lighter with each bite. 

Her agent sat down next to her.

"You are a star. Stars have a certain amount that they will perform or make an appearance for. It sets the tone and lets all the big names know that you have a talent that must be respected with the proper incentive."

It was nice to hear that she was a star. 

Obviously, the demand had went up the past couple of months and people were realizing how much of a force she was in the industry. The reassurance and outright label of burgeoning celebrity is what really made everything real for her.

"What is the rate that Don has set then? To pay me..."

The agent took out a pen, scribbling in her memorandum before handing it off to her.

"No way."


The phone rang twice before Dijah picked up, her voice exploding out the speaker of Camille's black Mars Bar.

"What's up, girl?!!!"

Camille was having lunch with her longtime best friend Diamond, who was currently wiping off a mess of honey mustard from her son Yasan's face.

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