Sarah Hyland: Love Forever!

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*Requested by Superflash2255! I'm gonna start tagging you guys in these so you'll know when I get your request done!*


It's been a crazy few years for the married couple of Y/n Hyland-L/n and Sarah Hyland-L/n, they've been married for 10 years now, having met on a episode of Modern Family, it was one of Y/n's first acting gigs where he played himself as his band was hired by the family to perform at a party, he was only in the show for a few episodes but that was enough time for he and Sarah to fall in love, since then Y/n and his band have become world wide popular, having just came off a Europe tour and Sarah is one of the most talked about actresses in America, Y/n still acts but mainly little roles, he prefers music but acting gives him a fresh change of pace.

Sarah however was sleeping peacefully in bed, looking over the edge till she was woken up by a pretty bad imitation of a roaster in the morning, she smiled though when she felt little kisses on the side of her neck and a hand on her bare waist.

Sarah: Someone's up early.

Sarah spoke still keeping her eyes closed but nestling into her husbands hold, he's been away for months, he only got back 3 weeks ago, she hates when he leaves on tour without her and so does he but she had work to do as well, so she couldn't tour with him, next time maybe.

Y/n: Hence the cocker doodle doo.

Y/n felt her turning in his hold so moved back to lean on his right arm and saw her pretty face as she looked to him, now laying on her back with little sleepy eyes, Y/n smiled down to her, brushing her hair out her face, they first met when Sarah was 19 Y/n was 21 and now, now their in complete love and nothing is going to change that.

Sarah: Do you think we've done it?

Y/n sighed a little while thinking, they've been together fro so long that they decided to have a baby, only issue is that they've been trying for years now and still haven't got anything to show for it, they both got tested and nothing's wrong, they just seem to be really unlucky, something that's been making Sarah feel like it'll never happen.

Y/n: It will baby we just gotta keep trying...

Sarah lifted her left arm around him so her hand was on the back of his neck, his E/c eyes always carry such a look that just makes her feel like she can do anything, like everything is possible, not to mention his positivity is pure contagious.

Y/n: ... Chin up cutie.

Y/n smiled with a little wink, quick kiss and leaping over her out the bed, Sarah giggled to him as he slipped on the bed sheet and landed hard on the floor, she looked to make sure he was okay but before she could ask, he jumped up only in his boxers.

Y/n: I'm okay, all part of the plan.

Y/n kept himself in really good shape, he kinda had to with both his jobs, also, Sarah's not shallow but loves a man with a six pack, so Y/n liked to keep it up for her, also because it's good to look after yourself.

Y/n: I'm need to help Mike move. You going be alright for a couple hours?

Sarah sat up on the bed as she watched him walk around the room getting ready for the day, Mike's his friend, they've been friends for years, since the beginning of the band, he was even his best man at their wedding, Sarah though did love how much he worried over her, it made her feel special as she hugged her knees against her chest.

Sarah: I'll be fine. Go have fun.

They shared another kiss before Y/n went to get washed up for the day, he doesn't take too long showers so withing the hour he was gone for the day, after of which Sarah decided to actually get up and on with her own day, she hasn't got anything today, only just relaxing at her home till Y/n got back, she was really happy when he agreed to move to New York with her, Y/n didn't mind though, he just wanted her to be happy and moving made her so.

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