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Days. It had been four days. Sam Winchester had been hitting dead end after dead end. The search was killing him, he had a sick feeling in his stomach like whatever he was going to find it wouldn't be good. 

But of course it wouldn't be. It wasn't often that Dean would go missing for several days and turn up with something that wasn't bad. 

He had tracked Dean's phone only to find it laying near a dumpster outside of some random bar. Dean's car was nearby too, but no Dean. 

The last thing he’d heard from his brother had been ‘I’ll be home soon, stop worrying so much.’ He hadn’t shown up that night. 

But he was the only one missing and there were absolutely no signs of there being a case here... something was off. 

On day four as he was driving, his phone rang. An unknown number, but he still answered anyway just in case. "Who is this?" He answered. Please, please be something good. 


Sam stomped on the brakes, the tires screeching as the car came to an abrupt stop, he couldn’t drive and talk at the same time. Not right now. He needed to only focus on his brother. "De- Dean!? Dean, where are you? Are you hurt? Are you okay?!" Sam could feel tears stinging his eyes. Thank god he’d heard from him at least, but he knew something was wrong. He could feel it. He could hear it in Dean’s voice. 

No response. 

"Dean?" Sam could feel the fear inside him rising, as he took this moment to try to track the phone down. His heart beating faster, don’t you dare hang up on me. "Dean, hey man, stay with me. What's going on?" 

Still nothing, all he could hear were quiet sobs and cries of pain…

Shit. Shit. Shit. He thought in his head, continuing to let the word run in an unending loop. "Dean, how bad are you hurt?" 

The response he got after that was quiet, he had to listen hard to make out what was being said. The only things he did pick up on were ‘don’t come.’ Yeah right, as if Sam could stay away. 

Then he heard the voice of another man…he couldn’t make out what was said, but he heard Dean saying  ‘I’m gonna kill you if you touch my brother.’ 

He could hear the other voice quietly saying, “Shh, shh don’t talk too much, you don’t have the strength. Save it for Sam, he’ll want to say goodbye.” 

Shit, Shit…FUCK Sam’s mind was screaming at this point. Say goodbye? Was Dean- no. No, Dean had to be okay. The guy was just trying to scare Sam, right? 

"Hey, I'm on my way. Just hang in there." He tried to keep Dean on the line to get him to share even just a little information. But he noticed the call end as he was talking. Someone was there…someone hurt his brother.

Someone hurt his brother, and wanted him to know about it…and they hung up on him. What kind of monster were they dealing with here? Demons? 

Sam tossed the phone onto the seat, ran his hands through his hair for a second and took a deep breath, before getting back on the road. “Castiel, if you can hear me it’d be nice if you showed up already. I’ve been praying and calling you for days. We need you,” he was able to get out before his eyes filled with tears again. “Fuck.” 


Sam prepared for something bad, but he hadn't prepared himself for what he ended up finding. Pulling up to where he had tracked the phone to, he spotted a body on the side of the road. Lying in a ditch, beaten and left for dead it looked like. Oh god please don’t let that be his brother. 

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