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Four days earlier 

Bacon. That crispy meat covered in grease. Too much grease in Sam’s opinion. But, his brother loved bacon. The taste was about a four out of ten on the scale. Dean would disagree completely, and probably go on a rant on how it’s good for you or something. Maybe mention that Sam has poor taste. 

He shook his head, as he placed bacon onto a plate, smirking. Because you see, there was something different about the bacon he had just cooked. “Hey, Dean!” he called, he didn’t usually make dinner, but he insisted tonight. He hadn’t been around the last few days. 

Everything had been quiet at the bunker for the last few weeks. There was a bit of tension that Sam wasn’t even sure what he’d even done that caused Dean to distance himself. But of course his brother would say Sam didn’t do anything or the classic ‘everything is fine,’ followed up with ‘I’m not mad.’ 

Sam wasn’t an idiot. He knew something was wrong, and he’d do what he could to try to get that information out. But at the same time, being the younger sibling he still wanted to mess with his brother. If Dean really wasn’t mad, this whole prank wouldn’t cause any harm. 

If Dean was mad? Yeah, well Sam had a bag packed in case he needed to run and hide for a bit. The chances of his brother making him leave were pretty low. If he was being completely honest here it was more likely that Dean would be the one to leave. He’d grab his keys and say something like ‘I’m going for a drive’ or maybe he wouldn’t say anything at all. He’d just go. 

Sam wasn’t so sure he wanted that outcome either. He wanted Dean to be happy. He couldn’t help but wonder if he actually did do something wrong this time? But he’d never know if the older Winchester didn’t talk. 

The kitchen was quiet, Sam sat at the table with his food, ready to eat. The plate of veggie bacon sitting on the table. Yeah that’s right, he was trying to trick Dean into trying veggie bacon. A harmless prank, to try to break the tension. But now he wasn’t so sure. He sat wondering if Dean was even coming. “Dean!?” He called again, but he got no response. 

This is getting ridiculous. He thought as he pushed his plate aside. He would make sure his brother ate dinner, even if it killed him. Picking up the plate of food he’d made, he started his walk down the hall. It was oddly quiet. Too quiet. 

“Dean?” He stopped by his brother's door, it was closed. He would normally knock before entering, talking first as a warning would be good enough too. He didn’t get a reply though. “Dean? Hey, you’re scaring me. Would you please talk to me? Whatever I did, we can’t get past this if you don’t tell me.” 


The younger Winchester sighed. “So I’m getting the silent treatment now? Real mature, Dean.” He reached for the doorknob, planning on coming in now. But before he even had a chance to grab it, the door swung open. 

His brother stood there, he looked awful. Like he hadn’t slept in days. His hair was wet like he’d just taken a shower, so at least Sam knew he was somewhat taking care of himself. But still, what the hell? He was right there, why wasn’t he talking? 

“I’m going out,” Dean said after a few moments of silence. He didn’t even look Sam in the eyes, he headed for the door, trying to push past Sam. 

Sam wasn’t allowing this. Not again, he stopped Dean. He grabbed him by the arm, it didn’t go unnoticed how much Dean’s body tensed the second Sam touched him. “Hey, dude what the hell?” Sam snapped. “You’ve been avoiding me for days, and I deserve an explanation. I can’t keep playing this game with you, Dean.” 

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