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Summary: Zayn walked out of his office to see his sweet baby sprawled out on the couch with his thumb between his strawberry pink lips and eyes glued to the T.V with an episode of Dora playing, that he's sure he's seen it before one too many times

(Harry is a little and Zayn is his daddy)

Category: It's fluff actually-

Third Person's POV:

He knew what was coming, but it was 9 o'clock and this was the most difficult part of the day and it never got better.

"Baby," Zayn said sweetly, walking towards the sofa and kneeling down so he could be face to face with Harry.

"Yes, daddy?" He responded, with his thumb still in his mouth. His eyes were big and innocent, with the most vibrant shade of green Zayn had ever seen.

"How are you, pumpkin?" Zayn asked with a faint smile tugging at his lips. He used his hand to push the long curls off of his boy's forehead. "Daddy, I can't see the TV" he whines.

"Baby, it's 9.10, it's..." and Zayn knows. He just knows what's coming before he even says the words. "'s bedtime."

"Daddy, I don't think so." Harry says, taking his thumb out of his mouth and shaking his head. "Harry...not tonight please. Daddy is very tired. Please be a good boy." Zayn pleads with desperation clear in his voice.

"I know...but-but dora" Harry says, slouching his shoulders and pointing towards the TV. "You've watched enough dora for the night little one." Zayn says, standing up and reaching out for Harry to grab his hand.

Harry's eyebrows furrow and his lips begin quivering and when he looks up at Zayn, there are tears welling in his eyes. "But- but Harry doesn't wanna.." he says, letting out a choked sob. "No crying bubba, c'mon." Zayn begs, taking Harry's hand in his, trying to lift him off of the couch.

Harry snatched his hand away and turns his back to Zayn. "None of that." Zayn says sternly. "Good boys don't turn their back to their daddy, ya? Harry, c'mon. Take my hand. We're going to get you into the bath and then I'm gonna tuck you in."

Still Harry doesn't budge. He only huffs in response. Zayn sighs. He's seen this all before but he has always managed to get his way. "Harry.." Zayn says warningly, placing his hand on  his hip. 

Harry still sat frowning with his nose turned up. He's eyes widen when he heard Zayn beginning to count.





"Harry, don't let daddy get to 5."

"4 and a half.."

Harry quickly spins around, "Daddy, Harry doesn't want to be a bad boy but Harry doesn't want bedtime either." He pouts.

"Harry, don't tell your daddy what you want to do. You are gonna do what you're told to do. Now take my hand and lets get in the bath." Zayn says trying not to raise his voice. Cuz, even though he hated how bratty Harry sometimes got, he would never want to hurt his boy's feelings.

"My legs are broken" Harry whines, pouting and kicking his legs in front of him. "Carry me please?" he asked politely.

"Alright, anything for my baby boy." Zayn smiles softly, lifting him up easily and walking to the bath. Zayn smiled, patting Harry's bum as he sets him down on the floor. "Let me draw a bath for you. Do you want your toys to play with?" Zayn asked.

"Yes pleaseeeeee!" Harry responds cheerfully. "Aaaand can we use bubbles?"

"Yes, bub. Lots and lots of bubbles. Zayn replied, filling the tub with water and adding bubbles to it. He placed a few of Harry's toys in the water and turned around to help Harry strip.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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