cpt 2 (onikas revenge)

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Onika pov

I woke up to beyonce slightly moving my arms from around her I groaned rolling over "get up onika" she shoved "baby get up blue has to get ready for school" I didn't move "p-please" I heard her voice crack making me open my eyes

She stood with a tired pout tears swelling in her eyes I really wonder how she survived this long without me "why are you about to cry" I closed my eyes rolling over " I'm tired get up"

She walked away to the bathroom brushing her teeth "Beyoncé get back in bed have a free day with me and blue" I yelled a little "it's funday friday blue loves fridays she's gonna want to go" she mumbled something before swearing silently "shit"

"What's wrong" I asked "my legs hurt so bad" I knew she was crying her morning was officially ruined she already woke up on the verge of crying it was bound for her to cry

I stood walking to the bathroom she was starting the shower with tears sliding down her face I walked behind her wrapping her into me wiping her tears from her face

"What I said about that crying shit bey" she shrugged pouting "you a crybaby yo some shit never change" I mumbled the last part she always been a crybaby I just had to learn that she was my crybaby and it was my fault honestly

I started her bath putting oils inside she got in and I kissed her lips then forhead before I went for blue I walked into her room shaking her slightly she rolled over some before sitting up

"Hi blueberry" I smiled "goodmorning prettygirl" I whispered she sighed whispering before pouting then the tears fell now it was my turn to sigh "not you too blue" I reached picking her up while rocking her side to side which only made her louder

"It's funday friday stinka you don't wanna go" she shook her head  screaming I nodded walking over to her dressers looking for a outfit once I found one I looked in the closet for shoes

Beyonce has all these pretty girly shoes where the jordans I rolled my eyes picking up the yeezys with a hoodie her cries soon turned into hiccups while I just rubbed her back lightly

"Okay get dress berry" she nodded standing letting me get her dress once finished I put her hair into a puff and she went to brush her teeth 

I went back to beyonce she was sitting at the vanity doing her makeup I walked putting some slides in socks on "I need a toothbrush bey" I yelled from the bathroom "there under the sink where are you going onika" she questioned

I ignored her looking under the sink once I found one I took it out the wrapper and started brushing my teeth I guess she realized I didn't answer and walked inside the bathroom I spit before speaking

"I have to set my probation at this location I need my mail and I'm also going to see a couple of people" she raised her eyebrow nodding her head blue ran inside smiling

I spoke again wiping my mouth "right now though I'm about to take my pretty girls to work and school" I turned grabbing mouthwash

"You just slick took the car I expect lunch" beyonce giggled "come on blue yo mama got you dressed like a babystud" I spit out the mouthwash laughing

"You loved it when I was one though" she flicked me off walking to the other room I chuckled I finished rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash then grabbed my bumper jacket looking around for the keys once I found them I made my way downstairs

Beyonce and blue soon followed all she did was put a huge ass bow in her hair I watched beyonce grab her purse in blue grab her bookbag so I grabbed an apple since we all grabbing shit

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