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I was sitting at the table with onika eyeing the envelope I watched every face expression she made while she watched me waiting for it to be opened I wasn't going to open it though she was

The dinner party with our family to celebrate her being home was in an hour and we had just received the test results I had no doubt in my mind I knew who my child's parent was

She was the only person I'd ever been with the only person I let nut inside of me I knew my baby daddy I just wanted everyone else to know my baby daddy

I wasn't angry at onika for having a little doubt when plenty of people tell you the same thing you start to believe it but I knew in her heart she knew blue was hers well I hoped

Everyone thinks I spit blue out but she couldn't look more like onika to me I genuinely felt like that was her twin "Open it" I spoke handing it to her she didn't wait any longer opening the results

I sat watching her facial expression being mixed with a knowing look but you could see the hope and her eyes she wanted this she wanted blue and that was enough to ease my consciences

Her eyebrows scrunched together reading then she let out a huge sigh holding her chest she showed me the papers "99.9%" she said smiling from ear to ear making her dimples pop I laughed knowingly

I was just happy I finally had proof nobody can doubt my baby anymore she picked the papers up again laughing

"When I see Tina I'm shoving this paper so deep up her ass it's go come out her mouth so she can taste all the shit she be talking" she said dancing a little I rolled my eyes at the mention of Tina name

"I know that's my mama but I long for the day that old bitch croak" I said causing nicki to laugh she made me very angry when she came over here last month I felt like I couldn't even get a day with my family

"You know who go be at the dinner party tonight" she asked walking to the refrigerator "everybody you know Matthew, Tina , Kelly and solo then I know they go invite your mom and lauren and she go invite Rihanna" I explained

The family was big but not that big nicki walked back over with strawberries "I've been home a month in my twin sister haven't came in seen me" nicki rolled her eyes eating one

"Lauren changed after you went away she went from my bestfriend to a uppity bougie bitch" i mumbled the last part

"I'm not even surprised everybody changed" she sighed I looked down at the time we gotta be ready and a hour let me go wake up blue from her nap

I stood she nodded kissing my cheek onika was the best thing to ever happen to me you'd think that in our 10 years of knowing each other we would've went through problems but onika always respected me and our relationship

I couldn't recall a moment where nika disrespected me even if I full out disrespected her she was always respectful in I loved her for that

I walked into blue room turning on the light I made her in onika matching outfits for tonight they were going look so cute

I pulled the hanger out the closet sitting it on her bed then walked over kissing her forehead I was trying to avoid a tantrum at all cost

I didn't have the patience onika had I would be there crying right with her bad mornings before onika came back was always the absolute worst for us

Pushing her hair back whispering her name and kissing her cheek she opened her eyes staring at me and I smiled looking at her I always waited for her to say something you never knew what mood she was in

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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