Chapter One

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It was a warm morning, the spring sprouts had all fallen to leave place to summer leaves and blooming flowers.

It had been hard to wake up and head to work, god knows Ermano simply wanted to rest for the day, lay in bed and avoid work.

But bills never paid themselves, one way or another, he needed to make the money for at least his survival.

With a resigned sigh, Ermano lifted himself off the bed, making his way to his bathroom to start off his day.

Teeth and hair were brushed, food was consumed and pages were read, there was nothing left to do now but to head to work.


"Sir, you will need to go through the different employees that will be showing up for hire." The secretary said upon his arrival, he nodded to her, taking the curriculum vitaes that she held.

A quick scan through was enough for him to reject at least four, keeping the remaining two for him to interview.

He pushed the door to his office, clicking his fingers to his secretary who rushed over to the window, opening the curtains to let the sun in.

"You can schedule them to come by 9 am, it's currently 7h55 so I expect my coffee by eight." Ermano said as he adjusted his CEO plate on the desk, twirling the chair around before sitting down.

The secretary nodded and rushed out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind herself as Ermano opened his laptop, immediately going to work.

He was excited for the day now that he looked through his emails,  seeing a few business responses that all seemed promising.

He had managed to get one of the businesses from France to agree in a partneship, this meant he could easily make trades of stock with them.

A smile apeared on his face as he leaned back, pulling a cigarette from his pack on the desk before pressing his secretary button on his phone.

"Natalie, I am still waiting on that coffee."

"Yes, I was about to come bring it to you sir."

"Perfect, schedule yourself for a paid day off after the interviews. You did a wonderful job yesterday with the clients." Ermano said as he heard a small giggle, receiving an affirmation before she walked away from her desk to grab his coffee.

He turned his chair a bit, looking at the scenery, he pushed himself off the chair, making his way to the large windows, he liked having the view over London

He smiled as he watched one of his planes take off from the distant airport, he knew that merchandise was being sent to france and that he would soon be able to get french products on his shelves.

"Excuse me sir, your coffee." Natalie declared as she walked in, gently putting it on his desk before bowing a bit, pulling out her clipboard.

"Mr. Myers called, he wanted to congratulate you on your success. He suggested a dinner at the Velour down on Oxford street."

"You can tell him I accept his offer and will be seeing him at 5 o'clock tonight." Ermano said a she scribbled his answer on a note and quickly turned on her heels before stopping abruptly.


"Yes Natalie?"

"What are we to do about the boy boy in section b?" She asked as Ermano sighed, making his way over to his desk, his hand gently grasping his cup before taking a large gulp.

"What was his fault again? He was such a good boy to me." He asked as a smirk appeared on his face, remembering the boy he had spread on his desk.

"He sexually assaulted one of our cleaning ladies, Gernia."

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