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Y/n pov:

I was packing up boxes and boxes of items I had in my room as I was finally old enough to leave home and move somewhere new much to my parents displeasure but they happily went along and help me pack.

I stretched hearing a pop as I let out a comfortable groan and take the packed boxes to the car and smiled a little "Welp this is all of them" I breathed out "already? I was hoping it would take longer" my mother sighed sadly "there was only a few things to pack mom." I pat her back knowing that she was upset that her bird was leaving the nest "you'll still visit us right?" my father questioned as I nodded "of course. The summer holidays and sometimes Christmas and I'll do weekend visits sometimes too". They both nodded and gave me a hug "we will both miss you darling and message us when u get there" my mother said holding me tightly and I smile "I'll miss you both too and I will don't worry" they let go as I opened the car getting into the drivers seat and waved goodbye before driving off to my new home.

*time skip*

As I got to my new hometown I looked around parking up the car to my new home "wow this place sure is colourful. It's like the inside of a children's book" I breath out smiling once again and got out the car before spotting an odd looking house that seemed like it was watching me. "why does that place look like it's watching me? Even looks like it has eyes." I stare at it curiosly but shrug and turn my back to open the door to my house and opening the car boot then grabbing my boxes "hopefully the moving van doesn't take too long" I huff moving all the boxes out the car and into the house. I grumble a little realising I've forgot I need to get food for the cupboards and grabbed my wallet putting it in my pocket "now where would the supermarket be?" I look around and notice a shop like building not far from my place and lock up the house before heading in its direction.

Whilst walking there I looked back at the oddly alive home to see it watching me again "now that's just creepy." i blink and keep walking before stopping at the doors of the supermarket "oh I was right it is a shop" I walk in before grabbing a basket and getting my needed items. Halfway through it I realise that the last thing I needed was on a high shelf and groaned "goddammit my short ass legs-" I stop midway through my sentence as I felt a presence looming over my small form. I look over my shoulder up at the unknown person and squeak as I do "oh my bad I hope I didn't startle you too much" said the odd man. And when I mean odd.. I mean odd.. He has 4 arms 4 legs. He's green with blue hair. He has a red nose and lil orange antennaes on his head.

I swallow a little shaking my head after I zoned out "n-no you didn't your just uh very very tall." I stuttered. Goddammit. "oh yes I do tend to off put some people alot with my height. I hope you don't mind I saw you a little frustrated with something you couldn't reach if I'm correct?" he smiled warmly as I got embarrassed "you saw that?? Oh jeez. Yes I was unfortunately." I nodded a little "here let me help" he said grabbing the item I needed although he ended up pressing himself against me in the damn proceess but gave me what I was trying to get anyway "oh uh thanks" I smiled a little taking it and placing it in my basket "you must be new here I havent seen you before? If that's the case my names howdy. Howdy pillar one of the tallest guys in the neighbourhood" he rubbed the back of his neck "ah so your some sort of caterpillar?" "heh yes yes I am. I hope that doesn't put you off" man this guy is too sweet "oh no it doesn't. I think it's cool I've never seen people like you where I was from it was just us humans" I shrug "oh I see. That makes sense then haha" he chuckled a little "anyways my name is uh y/n probably gonna be one of the most smallest people here" looking at him I notice his antennae twitch "that's a lovely name miss! ^^" he smiles once again as I nod a little "oh thanks." complements too? This guys the whole damn bean package "if you don't mind maybe I could show you around town and introduce you to the other neighbours? If your not too busy" well I guess I have a new friend lmao "oh sure that would be great thanks let me just uh pay for this stuff and you can show me on my way home" he nods as we both walk to the counter and pay for the items "let me just take this apron off and lock up lil bug" he smiles as he removed his work apron- wait what did he just call me? Lil bug? Dear god I've only just met the guy and he's giving nicknames. "okay let's go" he starts walking as I follow closely behind him as he leads us to some of the other houses that his friends live in. "there is one house to be careful around as it is.. Alive and I don't think it takes well to strangers" he motions to the. House staring at me. The same one that was watching me not so long ago as I shiver and followed him again

*time skip cuz very lazy lmao*

After meeting the neighbours we went back to my house and let him in "sorry If there isn't really anywhere to sit on. The moving truck hasn't arrived yet" I sigh feeling a little embarrassed again. I jump a little as he pat my shoulder "don't worry about it. If you want i can help you with your furniture and unboxing when it arrives?" he asks looking down at me as I blush lightly and nod "that would be great thanks" smiling softly I hear my door bell and see its the truck "speak of the devil haha" I chuckle opening the door to grab my furniture

//woooo first chapter boiii heheheh//

//woooo first chapter boiii heheheh//

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my love bug (a welcome home story) howdy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now