3 Weeks Later

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Y/n pov:

It's been 3 Weeks since I moved into the town and met the neighbourhood and howdy the big ass adorable caterpillar man. I got a job to help me pay for my bills thanks to Eddie as he was willing to hire and sometimes helped him with his little letters to frank the butterfly catcher. Sally and Julie are both very fond of me and often ask for girls days out which I happily agree to. Then there was wally and his.. Home.. I don't really know how to feel about it. But that place is always watching me every time I leave the house. Wally was off putting as well to a degree but I try not to think about it much. The only times I see him is when he's bothering howdy by stealing his apples at the store. Other than that I don't see him much.. Anyways speaking of howdy me and him have been hanging out alot and gotten really close

Julie keeps teasing my poor soul about me liking him more than a friend but I try to ignore it but I fear she maybe right about me liking the big male caterpillar. Not that it's a bad thing or anything but I'm scared that if she's right what if he doesn't feel the same? We have only known each other for 3 Weeks and yes he's cuddly and likes to hang around with me alot as well as always giving me nicknames and such but I don't know if that's a hint or if he's just pure friendly. I wouldnt be surprised if he was just being nice he is such an innocent soul.

I frown and sigh a little before getting dressed for the day but hear a knock at the door after I have. Who could that be? No one said they was visiting? And howdys busy today. Odd.. I open the door to see- wally!? What the "oh hello neighbor!" he smiles in a strange manor staring at me "uh hi?" watching him carefully before yelping as he pushed me into my house door and walked in closing it behind him "now then."he smirked as his face started dripping with black as his eyes went dark. "I'm sure you haven't noticed but there isn't really much in the way of. Humans here. That's because they don't live long enough to.. what's the word? Expand." he snarled walking close as I back up whimpering a little which only seems to please him "you see. Home has been watching you closely and well. I'm not too fond on how close you are with my friends. If your not careful you will end up like the others who have moved here."

he narrowed his eyes at me "w-what happened to the o-others?" I question swallowing hard nervously and yelp again as I'm shoved to the floor as wally placed a foot on my chest keeping me down and moved closer to my face "they died.. Got too close..they had it coming and I did warn them but they neeever listen to lil ol me.. Home helped do so. All I had to do was be his host. And he does the work." he smirked venom laced in his tone "and you'll end up like them if you keep this up darlin. Would be a shame to loose you so quickly.." he hums standing up "this is a warning ignore it and you will end up with consequences.. Got it?." wally hissed pressing his foot down harder as I yelp in pain from the pressure being pushed against my ribs "well?" I nod frantically whimpering as he smiles his face changing all bright and colourful petting my head and getting off me "good. I'd hate for you to dissapoint me darling!" he leaves the house as I lay on the ground holding my chest in pain and curling up to get rid of it.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse howdy walked in "I just saw wally come out is everything okay?-" he stops halfway through his sentence as his antennaes shoot up in shock and ran over to my quivering and pained form then gently lifted me up in his arms "oh little bug what happened?" he asked with concern as he carried me upstairs to my room and rubbed my chest softly with one of his hands "n-nothing much just getting attacked by a yellow p-puppet and being threatened." I huff before hissing in pain once more "wally did this?.. Why am I not surprised. He doesn't know how to treat newcomers" he sighs and sat on the bed with me on his lap and rubbed my back softly

He snuggled me close to him with all four limbs wrapped around me in a protective shield and hums softly nuzzling into my head "hey.. Howdy?.." I ask quietly as he looked down at my form as a yes "I uh just wanna know. What are we exactly?." i look away slightly waiting for him to awnser "friends why do you ask?" he tilts his head "oh uh. I was just curious is all" I sigh looking at my lap before feeling a finger lift my head to look at him again "is there something you would like to tell me lil bug?" I nod a little and swallow hard "y-yes but I'm afraid it will ruin what we have." he pulls a confused expression as I sigh again "nothing will ruin what we have darling I assure you that. So tell me what's bothering you" looking back at my lap again

"W-well. I see you more as a friend howdy. I think I may like you alot more than you realise.." I breath out shakily as he looks a little surprised before his face softens "oh little bug what made you think that it was boring to ruin what we have?" he asks "because. I don't want us to be friends I want us to be more than that." I cover my face and blush nervously as his hands gently grabbed mine and moved them away then move his face closer "bug. I've grown quite fond of you and have liked you ever since I first saw your small form come into my store. I knew there was something about you that I wanted and I had the urge to make sure you was safe. And here we are. I love you as well and no one will ever change that." he cups my face in his hands Pulling me up against him with his other two and gently kissed me holding my form against his own.

I wrap my arms around his neck and softly kiss back purring as he ran his hands across my back creating small comforting circles. Not long after the kiss started to get more heated as he slipped his tongue into my mouth as they battled for dominance. He won ((because yes)) as he kissed me deeply and passionately making me moan out softly against his lips.

((I hope you all like the frisky stuff))

((I hope you all like the frisky stuff))

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