Part 3

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"So you came?"

"So did you,"

"I guess you got over the fear I was going to kidnap you,"

"No, but me and my shot gun talked it over and he promised me that if you give me any trouble he'll take care of it."



"Why are you smiling at me like that,"

"No reason,"

"Umm ok, so I never got your name,"

"Its Emma, but I can't give out my last name to creepy stalkers,"

"Darn it! I'm not a creepy stalker!"

"That's just what a creepy stalker would say,"


"So what's your name?"

"Eric.... Eric Winters,"

"Cool, so if you claim to not want to kidnap me, why did you drag me out into the middle of the woods?"

"To find out why you were on my property yesterday,"

"Fine, you caught me, I was hunting witches, you happy now?"

"What have you been eating?"

"What have you been brushing your teeth with?"

"Your avoiding my question,"





"Ok! Ok, fine! You seem like a trustworthy person,"

"Come again? Just a few minutes ago you were calling me a stalker, and a kidnapper, and a...."

"Shush! I need to show you something, but you can't tell anyone!"

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