Part 11

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"Why are there only 4?"

"Only? You try giving birth to four kids in one night and then call it only!"

"Geez, I just thought cats gave birth to like 12 kittens,"

"I don't know, I'm not a cat expert,"

"Good, cause if you were I don't think I would ever hang out with you again,"

"Hmm I suddenly wonder how to become a cat expert,"

"Haha, wow this one's cute, I think he likes me,"

"You can have him, 3 cats is more than enough for me,"

"Really? You sure? Thank you!"

"Ya, ya, whatever, what are you going to name him,"

"Hmm what about Spike,"




"Mr. Cuddles?"

"What's wrong with you!"

"Ouch! Be careful you almost hit the kitten!"

"Aww sorry kitten,"

"Where's my sorry?"

"Over the rainbow,"



"That's it!"

"Rainbow the cat? Doesn't that make him sound gay?"

"What? No! Thor is gonna be his name!"

"Where did ya get Thor from rainbows?"

"You know? The rainbow bridge that comnects the 9 realms?"


"Haven't you seen that movie?"


"Stop staring at me like that!"

Lol, no. I am such a nerd when it comes to Marvel!

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