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Denomination: Brotherhood

Founded: 2040 by King Gold I and Argon Trinity

Worship: Polytheism; Fate, Destiny, Miracle

Temple: Supreme Churches - Main Temple: the Supreme Church of District #1, England

Clergy: the Archbishop (Head of the Supreme Church of District #1, England and right hand man of the Sovereign); the High Priests (they lead the Supreme Churches in other districts under the command of the Archbishop); Monks of Fate (they are given missions by the Archbishop that either involve diplomacy and other secret affairs); Fate's Daughters ("witches" who normally aid pregnant Crim mothers, but they also carry out public and private executions)

Main Rule: 1) the Archbishop must not betray his Sovereign and the People (all citizens of the districts) 2) The High Priests must not carry out unauthorised duties 3) Monks of Fate must not have illegitimate children 4) Fate's Daughters must not exit their temple before their 18th birthday 5) all members of Clergy must marry 6) the Archbishop and the High Priests must only marry Crim citizens 7) Monks of Fate must only marry with a Daughter of Fate and viceversa ⚠️BREAKING ANY OF THESE RULES WILL RISULT IN A DEATH SENTENCE AND THE IMPRINT OF SHAME IN THEIR FAMILY'S NAME⚠️

Denomination: the Oldest Religion

Founded: unknown

Worship: Monotheism; the Good Lord

Temple: Holy Covens - Main Temple: the Holy Roman Coven

Clergy: the Pope; the Priests; the Nuns; the Monks

Denomination: Gi eh Gahn (Matter and Space)
Founded: unknown

Worship: Polytheism; Gahagah, Gor, Gheren
Clergy: the High Priestess (Gihanaeh); the Follower (Ghoraz)

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