01. life goes on

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life goes on

life goes on

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SIX MONTHS AGO Sadie Martin's life changed and it felt like fate had a cruel twist in store for her when her father passed away. Her father, Richard had been a kind-hearted man, full of wisdom and love. His smile and jokes could brighten any room but now this brightness was gone. Their once vibrant home that had been filled with laughter and love now felt empty and devoid of life, the echoes of his presence haunting every corner.

Sadie's grief weighed heavy on her heart, a constant companion that seemed to follow her wherever she went. In the quiet moments of solitude, when the pain threatened to overwhelm her, she sought refuge in the arms of her mother, Amelia. But just as Sadie began to find a fragile sense of peace in their shared grief, Amelia shocked everyone with a decision that would alter the course of their lives forever. Without warning, she uprooted their entire existence, moving them to Forks, a small town nestled in the heart of Washington state.

For Sadie, the move felt like stepping into a nightmare straight out of one of her mother's horror novels. The old house they moved into seemed to loom over them like a specter, its weathered facade hiding secrets of a bygone era.

She found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, she longed for the familiar comforts of home, for the memories of her father that seemed to linger in every corner. Yet on the other hand, she couldn't deny the allure of a fresh start, of the chance to leave behind the pain and heartache that had plagued them for so long.

As Sadie adjusted to her new life in Forks, she found herself thrown into a whirlwind of new experiences. Starting a new school, and making new friends—it was both exhilarating and terrifying all at once. And amidst the hustle and bustle of her new life, she discovered that the weight of her grief was somehow easier to bear when she surrounded herself with new faces and new distractions.

But as night fell and the world grew quiet, Sadie's facade of strength began to crumble. The darkness seemed to swallow her whole, leaving her alone with her thoughts and her memories. Sleep became a precious commodity, elusive and fleeting, and when it did come, it brought with it a torrent of nightmares that threatened to consume her.

Despite what others said about time healing all wounds, the ache of her grief seemed only to intensify with each passing day. It was as if the pain had taken on a life of its own, weaving its way through her very being, consuming her from the inside out.

Grief had become her constant companion, a tempestuous storm that raged within her, threatening to drown her in its relentless onslaught. It wrapped around her like a suffocating shroud, clouding her mind with its suffocating embrace.

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