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PAUL LAHOTE HAD BEEN FEELING HIS TEMPER SIMMERING BENEATH THE SURFACE ALL DAY. It felt like he was walking on a tightrope, teetering on the edge of control, with the slightest nudge threatening to send him into chaos.

His struggles with anger were nothing new. Paul had always struggled to keep his emotions in check and he was known for his quick temper and impulsive nature.  His fiery personality often led him to act before he could think, his actions fueled by a potent mixture of anger and frustration. Phasing had only made matters worse, with Paul frequently losing control and shifting in the heat of the moment. Paul found it increasingly difficult to rein in his temper.

Currently, Paul found himself at La Push beach with Jared, the two of them seeking solace in the crashing waves and salt-kissed air. Paul was the third member to join the pack and he was close with both his alpha, Sam, and Jared. His temper forced Sam or Jared to stay close to him at all times, making sure that he didn't lose his control and shift surrounded by people.

Before phasing, he had been a part of a tight-knit group of friends, but his abrupt withdrawal had drawn attention and fueled rumors, the most damaging of which came from his former friend, Scott.

Who just happened to be at the same beach as them. 

As he watched Scott and other former friends playing soccer nearby, Paul felt a familiar surge of anger coursing through him. The smug look on Scott's face only served to fuel the fire burning within Paul, his fists clenched in barely contained rage. 

"We should just go," Jared's voice broke through Paul's thoughts, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the group of friends. He didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that the two of them left because of him.

"I'm fine," Paul breathed out but deep down he knew he wasn't. 

Then, in a moment that seemed to unfold in slow motion, disaster struck. The soccer ball careened towards them, drawing the attention of Scott and his friends. Paul's heart pounded in his chest as he braced himself for what was to come.

Paul saw Scott snickering as he started to jog toward them. "Couldn't get up to help out?" Scott said as he reached them and picked up the ball from the sand.

"I could have. I just didn't want to," Paul replied, trying to make his voice sound even. 

Scott chuckled playfully, "I get it. Probably withdraws." One of the biggest rumors Scott had started about his former friend was that Sam and his group of friends were on steroids and drugs.

Scott's mocking words cut through the air like a knife, igniting the fuse of Paul's temper. Before he could stop himself, Paul was on his feet, his body moving on autopilot as he confronted Scott. "Want to say that again?"

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