Chapter - 1

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After dance practice, Dinah and I normally go to the frozen yogurt place down the street, Munchies, but today Dinah was far too occupied making conversation with Ronnie, one of the prominent studio members .

"You dance with so much passion, it's something I've never seen before." He told Dinah causing her to blush .

"Well dance is my one true love, so I always give it everything I've got."

I forced myself to disregard their flirt session, because it was nothing new and I was ready to leave. It's not that I wasn't happy for Dinah, it's just that I'm not sure how much I trust Ronnie considering he's flirted with me plenty times before. I never took any interest in him though.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when I felt Dinah's arm drape around my shoulders, dragging me towards the door .

"Ronnie's great isn't he?" she swooned.

"He's decent, you really like him huh?"

"No, but he's hot so I choose to entertain his effort." she laughed . "You never really talk about anyone whose got your attention though? I know you must have plenty of guys drooling over you too." she pried.

She wasn't totally wrong . I'd be lying if I said I hadn't gotten offers from guys wanting to take me out, but I'd much rather invest my time in dance . Honestly; I've never really been interested in anyone .. ever . I try to convince myself that it's normal but when I see Dinah interact with Ronnie I know that I should probably start taking notes from her .

"Nobodies drooling over me D, that's all you; you need to teach me your magical ways or maybe inject me with some type of Polynesian potion
that'll make me irresistible."

"I might have something for that." she laughed as she hopped into the passenger seat of my jeep .

I was slightly disappointed when Dinah and I didn't stop at Munchies today but there was always tomorrow . After dropping her home, I thought more about what she said regarding me not being interested in anyone.

It wasn't entirely my fault, everyone was just so ordinary and I wasn't really sure what I was looking for yet but I knew I hadn't found it. What's is my type? or Do I even have a type ? I pondered as I drove home that night .


okay so there's not that many Laurmani fanfics so I decided to start writing one b/c Laurmani is alive and thriving . I feel like this was super lame, it was just a short intro to portray Normani's character , bare with me .

-Cheyanne Alaycía

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