Chapter 10: Hangman's Bay

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Carina ran through the jungle in a panic. She couldn't believe what she had just seen. All her life she has devoted herself to the world of science, and logical reasoning, but what she just saw on that beach was neither scientific or logical, and it really scared her.

"Carina!" Ronan called as he caught up to her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "You can't just run off. You don't know where we are."

Carina was shaking and wrapped her arms around Ronan's waist. "G-Ghost. They-They we're ghosts."

Ronan gently pulled her off him and firmly held into her shoulders so she would look at him. "I know, I know. But you don't have to worry. I'm not going to let them hurt you. I promise."

Carina looked up into his eyes, and saw that he meant what he said. She nodded at his words and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Okay, okay." She said.

"Good. Now let's get back to the others."

Ronan slipped a comforting arm around her shoulders and started to lead her back to the beach, but they barely made it one step before they were ensnared in a net.


Callie and (Y/n) walked again in the jungle, shouting for Carina and Ronan, while Jack and Henry walked behind them. Jack glanced at Henry and noticed how his eyes would drift to his daughter more than once.

"I know what's ailing you, boy." Jack muttered lowly. "You've got the unscratchable itch."

"I just enjoy her company is all. I'm not in love with Callie." Henry whispered.

"Love? Who said anything about love? What are you talking about?" Jack asked.

"The unscratchable itch."

"Scabies. I'm talking about scabies. Small mites that burrow under your skin. It's certainly ailing me, has been for years."

The four stopped when they came across a sign that revealed where they were.


'Strangers not welcome'

"Oh no." Jack gasped.

"Help!" A voice called.

They all ran in the direction of the voice and saw Carina and Ronan trapped in a net.

"Help us!" Carina pleaded.

Henry and Callie stepped forward to try and free them, but then they were ensnared in a net of their own.

(Y/n) grabbed Jack's arm. "Come on, we've got to help them." She insisted.

But they also barely made it three steps before also getting ensnared by a net.

"Well this sucks." Ronan commented.

"Seriously, who sets three net traps in a row." Callie grumbled.

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