Chapter 10

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Pushing the shades up closer to his face, America entered the room with his team, some carrying bags of objects slung over their shoulders while others carried a single piece of huge heavy machinery. He had the same shit eating grin and casual walk. I turned my head left and right, witnessing the people around me either look at them with joyfulness or simply had neutral expressions. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but it quickly clicked.

"So," America halted, examining the area, "where do we set these down–"

Then, he made eye contact with me.

He stepped back out of shock, dropping his bag and letting out a small gasp in the process. I could see the fear in his pure white eyes through his shades.

"Y-You're...h-h-here..." He stuttered, trembling slightly.

"You're...alive..." I stated, my hands clenched into fists.

I could feel the eyes of the people on me; many were confused.

I frowned angrily, baring my teeth as I suddenly sprinted toward him, catching him off guard.

Tackling him to the floor, I wrapped my hands around his neck and squeezed it tightly, keeping a firm grip.

"How are you alive!?" The memories of the past all flowed back to me; the bloodshed, the endless teasing and villainy–everything! I could only imagine the crazed expression I had formed on my face. "How the fuck are you all alive!?"


Through his gasps for air and choking, I made out a few words. "Please... No longer... bad!"

"Let go of him! He's on our side–they all are!"

"Lies!" I hissed with venom in my voice. "They're frauds, nothing but ruthless beings that will stab you in the back whenever they get the chance to!"

I pressed my teeth together with greater force, tightening the firm grip around America's neck. Death glaring into his eyes through his shades, I leaned forward.

"You." I growled furiously. "Oh, I remember those awful years of torture in that white room, making me think that I was going insane. It was all you, wasn't it? Your maniacal, villainous laugh! When I found out after the war that it had all been you, I swore to get revenge on you. You were watching me too, right? You kept those eyes on those monitors and watched me do everything. You fucking pervert!"


I felt hands grab my arms, prying my own off of America's neck. I was dragged away from him, but I squirmed and kicked, screeched and yelled.

"You are all once again blinded by their facade!" I exclaimed. "They'll betray us, kill us all! They're only recovering, waiting for us to give them everything they need just so that they can turn on us later on and demolish everything!"

I was held in place and forced to watch as the people helped America back on his feet. My eyes moved over to the other countries, some staring back at me with expressions of sadness and...regret?

Once America found his footing, he carefully maneuvered past everyone and headed toward me. In the corners of my eyes, I could see the people looking at him with surprise as he walked past them. I continued to glare at him, preparing myself just in case he wanted to try anything.

He stopped in front of me, tilting his head down to make eye contact with one another.

"What do you want?" I questioned him angrily.

He simply continued to stare at me, as if he were trying to think of something to say or do.

"Fucking say something you–"

I slightly flinched as he got down onto one knee due to our height difference. He let out a breath and removed his shades, staring at the floor frowning.

"I'm...I'm sorry." He paused, looking up at me. "We all are..."

I was speechless. I blinked a couple times out of shock. I glanced back at the other countries, who all slowly approached and halted behind him. America fixated his gaze and awaited my response.

"I...I forgive you..." I hesitated for a moment, conflicting thoughts running through my mind.

The countries seemed to be relieved at my statement, however I quickly swung my foot up and kicked America square in his private area. He let out a satisfying scream and collapsed again on the floor.

" what I would have said if I was still my pathetic little naive past self!" I snapped at him..

I was dragged back enough to the point where I wasn't able to make contact with America anymore. The countries as well as some of the people surrounded him, helping him up once more. I couldn't believe these people! Why would they trust them for a second time?

Charla approached me with an angered expression plastered on her face. "What is the meaning of this?"

The two men holding me released my arms, allowing for me to stand correctly.

"Why are you trusting them?" I questioned. "Don't you see? Are you all fucking blind? They are going to do the exact same shit that they pulled on us years ago!"

She let out a frustrated sigh and shook her head. "They are on our side, (Y/N). We have been monitoring them closely and they have shown no sign of such a thing. Besides, if they ever decide to turn on us, we can kill them in an instant."

Turning to the countries, Charla placed a hand on my shoulder. "I owe you the entire story of how we managed to bring them back to life, but a small portion of it is that while we were doing so, we planted a secret device in their bodies that would release toxic chemicals with the push of a button."


Charla nodded. "They would die in an instant."

I smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. Well, thankfully that won't be much of a problem anymore.

Feeling a pat on my back, Charla walked off. "Now do me a favor and get along with them, alright?"

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