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I want more than this life
I want to be famous
I want to be happy
They always say fame and happiness don't mix
But what if they do for me?

I'm making myself known
Maybe a good college will throw me a bone
Maybe i'll have a good job, a good life
But it will never be known
If I don't know what I want, how will I succeed?
I can only hope it won't end, because I know I can lead

How can you be satisfied,
When your standing to the side
You see everyone included
Yet you seem excluded
But have you done this to yourself?
Did you try?
Did you fail?
Are you going to end up old and frail?
You'll never know because you dont exert your talent
If you don't try, you fail

Try, try, try
But you can't, can you
You have more important things to worry about
A video game
More important than your friends
More important than your family
More time consuming than anything else
We know,
God, of course we know
That you won't put in the effort
God, won't you just try?

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